Smoking In The Rain (SITR) Shuts Down

Here on FILEnetworks Blog, we report about the birth of many torrent trackers. Unfortunately, this post is about the death of one. Smoking In The Rain (better known as SITR), a General/0Day private torrent tracker that has been online for ages, went down a few days ago due to a server failure. Sad part is that it seems the site too would die along with the server; there are no plans to bring it back online. Reasons cited by SITR’s administration regarding the decision involves lack of user activity on tracker as well as time constraints. Full message posted on site homepage is quoted below:


It's after long deliberation and with great saddness that we bring you the news that SITR will not be returning online.

SITR has unexpectedly suffered from one of it's servers failing completely and needing to be replaced. Considering SITR's prior state as well as the time involved to fix this, all we would be bringing back is the remains of dead site. After what have already been many months of struggle and digging in deep in order to hang on with SITR lacking the member support to survive, the means required to resolve this are just not there.

With a heavy heart towards those few that stood by SITR right up to it's last minute, we are left no other choice then to conclude that SITR's current situation is beyond repair and that our only option left is to shut SITR down permanently.

We're thankful to all of you that have been a member at SITR and appreciate the time you've spent here with us. No doubt all of you and us will find other sites to call our "home", but we do not wish to just turn off the light on SITR and leave all of you behind in the dark.

Any of you that may have questions regarding SITR's situation or Anyone looking for a new place to join is welcome at .

Any of you that wish to come in and say your goodbyes are welcome to do on our irc. ( #sitr)

S.I.T.R was one of the older private trackers and it was one of the first trackers to be featured on this blog. Since we first started reporting about BitTorrent sites back in end 2007/2008, SITR has been mentioned nearly 5 times. But all good things do come to and end. R.I.P. SmokingInTheRain. Thanks for the good times and you will be missed.

You may find some of our old articles about SITR below:

Thanks to 'CSS' and 'turbo man' for the heads up.