A note from ‘The Scene’, to fallen members of SVENNE

Saga of scene group SVENNE continues. If you are unfamiliar with this story we suggest you read these two articles first: [1], [2]. A new SceneNotice has been pre’d and this one address the Swedish Anti Piracy agency (APB). It responds to APB’s glorification of SVENNE bust earlier and tells them the Swedish movie scene is not done with them just yet. And of course, p2p networks have been fondly mentioned yet again. This SceneNotice contains a lot of explicit language so if you are offended by such, please avoid reading this article (and now you’ll definitely read it :p). Anyways keep in mind that SceneNotices contain a lot of E-drama so read it, enjoy it and forget it.


Hello Scene.. My Name Is Henrik Ponten.
And im realy sorry for the loss of –Svenne last week... but hey look what i found in my mail?
earlyer I called the producer of Wallander and he told me he will send me a movie or two.. so when i checked my mail i found the Retail Edition of the new Wallander movie named Prästen... gues what... its fucking 2 weeks pre retail i am realy l33t.. so i tought ill tell all of you who tought the swedish movie scene was about to die that you are WRONG..
Enuff of the bullshit...

Note To mr Ponten and the entire fucking Antipiracy homos..
you can stope a revolutionary but you cant fucking stop a revolution... Ok you had some rat in SVENNE who snitched on his friends.. wow way the go.. ppl know who he is and he will be taken care of dont worry..
you had infiltrators before... congratulations...
what you idiots dont think about is all the money YOU idiots spend on this is ALOT more than the real movie producers LOOSE.. IF YOU LIKE IT BUY IT thats how it always been and always will be..
and for the few faggots that dont agree on that, they wouldnt bought the movie anyway.. so take your paychecks and send em to the movie makers and go die... since yhe releasing have ALWAYS existed even back in the 80s with the amiga and c64s...

The issue today isnt the release groups.. the issue is the p2p networks wich are public... not a closed network... any idiot (look at me) can get movies pre retail... and anyone can release anything anywhere... your focus should be on the so called "pirats" that is sharing everything with everyone not us...
how ever i could go on for hours and writing a book regarding this issue but im not.. i just want to send a Great Salut to all the fallen members of the group named -SVENNE and –REDCROSS and ALL OTHER groups, sites, etc who been a part of the APB with family, witch hunt thats been goin on for some time now...
You are Gone But Not Forgoten...

It’s interesting how the scene somehow manages to bash P2P even in totally unrelated incidents. Anyways even this very SceneNotice has been available for download on several public BitTorrent trackers since yesterday. Ironic, eh?

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