HDRoad.ORG - Private HD Torrent Tracker Now Open

As we mentioned earlier (via a Tweet), almost every private torrent tracker based in China seem to specialize in HD content. We’ve already covered about HDChina, HDStar, CHDBits, CCFBits, etc but that’s not all there is – here comes another. HDRoad is a China based private tracker that specializes in HD content. It has all sorts of HD content including Blu Ray movies, HDTV shows, TrueHD encodes, etc. The main concern for English speaking users would be the site interface – it’s in Chinese. However if you can tolerate the interface, you’ll find yourself to be a member of a private tracker rich with HD content. Yes – most of the indexed releases are international content released in UK/US and almost all have English audio.


HDRoad might not be popular in BitTorrent forums and such but the site has a decent user base; Currently there are over 13000 registered members. Close to 2500 active torrents are also indexed (as of 15/10/1985), making it a medium sized HD tracker compared to most other similar sites.

As we mentioned earlier, site interface is entirely in Chinese – English labels are not available even for the most used site functions such as Browse, Home, etc. Nevertheless, you should be able to easily find your way around HDRoad even without a translator as it follows standard private tracker layout.

Unlike the interface, most of the torrents indexed at HDRoad have English audio (torrent title is given in both English and Chinese so no problems there too). Movies and TV shows are indexed under the following set of categories:

Blu-ray/HDDVD, REMUX, HDTV/HDTVRip, BDRe/HDRe, CD, 1080P, 1080i, A1080, 720P, A720,LPCM, DTS-HDMA/DTS-HDHR, TrueHD, DTS(DTS-HDCore), AC-3(DD), APE, FLAC

They seem to have a lot of releases encoded by MySilu (which if I’m not mistaken is a DDL forum – probably HDRoad’s sister site). Even these encodes have English audio.

A screenshot of the torrent index at HDRoad is given below:

HDRoad Index

Getting into HDRoad is pretty easy (at least for now). Site is open for registration and interested readers can create a free account. If it remains open till the max user limit (15000) is reached, there will be space for 1500 new signups.

Site Name: HDRoad (http://hdroad.org)

Signup Process:

  1. Register on MySilu forums via the link http://www.mysilu.com/register.php
  2. Use the same username you used in step 1 to create an account on HDRoad. Signup form may be found at http://hdroad.org/signup.php. You can of course sign up directly for the tracker – but there is a warning on site that says non linked accounts will be deleted.

You might want to use Google Translate if you can’t figure out which fields mean what, in the signup forms.