TV.Torrents.Ro Signups Open – For TV series torrents

Many of us who were already members waited for Tv.Torrents.Ro (TVT.RO) to come back after a long downtime. Here is the chance for those of you who were longing to get into this tracker – it’s open for signups. For me, TVT.RO is definitely among the world’s top 3 private TV torrent trackers (other two being BitmeTV and You can pretty much find almost all major US/Canadian TV shows (including complete season packs) on this tracker. For detailed information about the content of TVT.Ro, please refer to this post.

The site is currently open for signups and new members can register for free. Keep in mind that the only way to get into TVT.Ro isduring an open signup; the site’s invite system is currently disabled.


Site Name: Tv.Torrents.Ro

Signup URL: