Learnbits E-Learning tracker signups open – 14/11/2008

Note: Learnbits URL has now changed to http://learnbits.me. If you are having trouble accessing the site via the old URL, it's not because the site is down.

Learnbits (LB) is a private BitTorrent tracker which specializes in E-Learning content. You can find close to 1000 torrents of educational material in electronic form, on this tracker. One thing I have noticed about Learnbits is that it has a large number of Information Technology (IT)/programming related E-Books and exam tutorials. However IT related stuff is not all Learnbits has; you can find e-books, video tutorials and test engines for a number of different subjects ranging from Mathematics to Medicine. There is also a good number of international magazines including latest editions of CPU magazine, PC Magazines and PC World. The only downside I saw with Learnbits is that page navigation (not the torrent download speeds) was somewhat on the slow side (Maybe it was just me).

Learnbits is usually closed for new users but this is one of those times the site is in open signup mode. If you are interested, you may now register an account for free. Note that the site URL is www.learnbits.me (not www.learnbits.org or www.learnbits.info as it used to be).


Site Name: Learnbits

Signup URL: http://www.learnbits.me/signup.php

Categories: Database, 3D, Apps-Fonts, Business, College Lectures, Creative Writing, Digital Art, Documentary, Early Learning, Electrical Eng / Electronics, Exam Guides, Exams Q-A, Forensics, Health-Fitness, Hobbies, International Hub, IT Manager, IT, Security, Languages, Linux, Mac-Apple, Magazines, Math-Science, Medical, Miscellaneous, Music, Network, Personal Growth, Philosophy, Politics-History, Programming, Psychology, Server Admin, Sports-Self Defence, Templates, Trades, VIP, VOIP, Web Design, Windows-Office