eBookVortex back online with open signups – 11/11/2008

A few hours ago we reported the return of Tv.Torrents.Ro. Here is some more good news, this time about popular E-Learning/E-book torrent tracker eBookVortex.

If you were a member of eBookVortex, you may have noticed that the site was down for the past few days. Good news is that eBookVortex is now back up. Bad news is that they have lost all old torrents and user accounts during downtime. Site’s URL which used to be www.ebookvortex.com has now changed to www.ebookvortex.net.  A mass E-mail sent to the site’s former members read:

eBookVortex is back up now, new site URL is http://www.ebookvortex.net All the old data has been lost so everyone will have to sign up again.


This is not the first time eBookVortex was down for a prolonged period of time. However the last time they did not suffer from a total data loss. Currently there are no torrents uploaded to the tracker and all users have to re-register. It was one of the best e-book/e-learning trackers out there by the time it went down and we hope eBookVortex will return to its former self in no time.

Signup are currently open so check it out.

Site Name: eBookVortex

Signup URL: http://www.ebookvortex.com/account-signup.php