Blackcats Games – Changes and new features

Blackcats-Games (BCG), one of the best dedicated games torrent trackers around, has made some changes and added a lot of new features to the site. If you are a member of BCG you might already know this as the staff sent an announcement regarding this to all user classes. But then again an awful lot of members seemed to miss the announcements on login page change so we thought of posting this article.

The following is a list of new featured quoted from the announcement sent by BCG staff:

New Christmas Prize draw: For all the info on this, see the news post on the index page.
Everyone can Upload, and 7zip is allowed. Again see the news page for this.
Members creations See the news page again for this, basically, if you want 30,000 beta testers for a game you are working on/finished, then upload it into this cat.
Forum additions All of these can be found at the top of the forum.
Wiki Game reviews and anything else you can think of, can go here.
Army Mod Not exactly sure how this works as of yet, but basically, build an army and beat the crap out of other members.
Arcade Flash arcade that puts your high score in the database.

New things that are planned, but not ready yet:

Trophy/Achievement Table This is still being worked on, but some of the things you can expect are.
# of uploaded torrents
# of requests filled
# of torrents downloaded
# of torrents with varying degrees of ratio
average seeding time


‘Members creations’ feature and the decision to give everyone the ability to upload will no doubt see the addition of new and unique content not seen on any other tracker to BCG. Apart from that, the army mod seems to be a great way to kill spare time.

In other news, we posted that Blackcats added 2 referals each to all members with the badge of honor about a month ago. According to site admins more than 40000 referrals were issued. However this does not seem to have increased the user base of BCG by that much. They used to have over 50000 members before they hid the site and the member count fell back to something around 29000 once they deleted every user who failed to generate the keyword. Now, even with over 40000 referrals floating around, the member count has only gone up by ~1800 (maybe by a little more as cheaters and inactive users may have got deleted during this time). This means that a lot of BCG referrals are still out there and those who still seek to get into this awesome tracker might still not be too late to get their hands on a referral.


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