PassThePopCorn signups open – Movie torrent tracker

Specialized movie torrent tracker (formerly Scenemovies) has just opened registrations. This is the first time they have opened signups since they moved to a new domain and changed the tracker name to PassThePopCorn. Although the name might sound new, PassThePopcorn did not start from scratch. Entire torrents index and every single user account on Scenemovies was transferred to the new tracker. Currently, there are 4700+ active users and 2250+ torrents on PassThePopcorn. This tracker is based on the shiny new Gazelle codebase so navigation is fast and the site is a pleasure to browse.

As mentioned in the title, Pass The Popcorn is all about movies. Uploaders have done a very nice job of adding some great torrents to this tracker; they’ve only been online for around two months but there are already over 2000 movie torrents indexed. At Passthepopcorn, it’s not just about downloading torrents. You can find a lot of information related to indexed movies through various installed add-ons (Album Art Coverflow, IMDB auto-fill and Actor catalog with 17000+ actors to name a few). You can even discover new movies through the ‘Staff recommendations’ and ‘Collections’ features on this tracker.

Signups are currently open but don’t expect them to stay open forever. Following is from the site homepage:

Registrations have been opened for a short time. Pham is in a giving mood

If you download movies via BitTorrent, PassThePopCorn is a must have tracker. Get in while you can.

passthepopcorn logo

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Categories: action, adventure, animation, arthouse, asian, biography, camp, comedy, crime, cult, documentary, drama, experimental, exploitation, family, fantasy, film noir, history, horror, martial arts, musical, mystery, performance, philosophy, politics, romance,, short, silent, sport, thriller, video art, war, western