WSUS Offline Updater - Update Windows 7 & Office 2007 Without Internet

To keep any version of Windows up and running, Windows Updates are essential. From security patches to compatibility updates, Microsoft frequently releases fixes to keep its operating systems running smoothly. However to use the Windows Update tool that comes bundled with the OS, an internet connection is a pre-requisite on every machine you run it on. Additionally, since there are no installation files, you cannot download updates to hard disk and re-use them later on or run them on different machines if you have more than one PC. WSUS Offline Update is an application that can help you in such cases – it’s an automatic updates downloader with advanced features and supports Windows XP/Vista/7 and Microsoft Office XP/2003 and 2007 products.

If you’ve used other updater utilities such as AutoPatcher and Windows Updates Downloader, you’ll find the usage of WSUS to be a little different. At first it may look a little confusing but it’s just a simple two step process. First you need to download the latest update patches to your hard disk from Microsoft Update servers – this can be done by executing the UpdateGenerator.exe file . You can customize the required updates depending on the OS Version, Language, etc.

WSUS Downloader

During this step you can specify the distribution medium – WSUS can create ISO images that contain all updates or it can copy the downloads to a USB stick so that you may executed them later, on any machine (even on those without internet).

Second step involves applying downloaded update patches. This is very easy and is usually a one click process. If you created an updates ISO on step 1, mount the image and locate the file UpdateInstaller.exe. Run it and you are done. If you copied the updates to a USB stick (or to any folder on hard disk), browse to the location and execute UpdateInstaller.exe.

Again it may not have the most user friendly interface but this is quite a powerful application. If you manage a computer network, have more than one PC or if you are on a low bandwidth or limited internet connection, this could be an extremely handy app to have. And the fact that it supports Windows 7 and Office 2007 adds even more value.


WSUS Offline Update is a free software. Latest version (v6.3) is only 1MB in file size.

[Click Here] to download latest version of WSUS Offline Update from official download page (look under ‘most recent version’ section on right  sidebar)