HDVNBits – HD Torrent Tracker From Vietnam (With English Content)

We’ve been wanting to share information about this tracker for several weeks now but it wasn't easy to catch the site with public registrations open. Thankfully, HDVNBits is currently open for signup and we can now post this article knowing that at least some of you may be able to get in. HDVNBits is a specialized HD torrent tracker from Vietnam. Contrary to what many would believe, it’s not full of Vietnamese movies or other local releases that might be useless for international users.It’s actually a decent high definition BitTorrent tracker by most standards and tracks movies, lossless music, TV shows, cartoons, music videos and documentaries - mostly English language releases.


Very few English speaking users may have heard about this tracker but HDVNBits has been online since November 2008. During the past year, it’s managed to amass over 4200 torrents and recruit a registered user base of 3200+ members> These stats are pretty good for a tracker that hasn’t received a lot of hype from BitTorrent forums, blogs and the likes.

As mentioned in the first paragraph, HDVNBits tracks a lot of English releases. In fact, most of the indexed torrents are encodes by renowned scene and p2p groups such as ESiR, EPiK, CHD, CtrlHD, etc. Some of the releases seem to be from an internal encoder group which release exclusive to this tracker – look for ‘internal’ tag on torrent title. In addition to HD videos in 720p and 1080p Blu-Ray formats, HDVNBits has quite a big lossless music section with 750+ torrents. This section is populated mostly by exclusive torrents from ‘HDVNbits Lossless Team’ which is again an internal release group.

HDVnBits Index

Some of the torrents have half download and some have 2x upload - check for color coded multipliers (0.5x, 2x, etc) next to torrent names in index. And of course, some of the torrents are free leech – these are designated by a spinning coin next to title.

As we mentioned earlier it’s difficult to catch HDVNBits with an extended open signup. The site is currently open for registration but we do not know how long that will last. If by the time you read this registrations have closed, bookmark check back again later – it’s not an uber hard site to get in since there are random open signups that last only for brief periods of time.

Site Name: HDVNBits (http://hdvnbits.org)

Signup URL: http://hdvnbits.org/signup.php

And in case we forgot to mention it, new users will get 10GB free upload upon signup.