EuReKa Joins HD-Torrents - Signups Open, Awesome-HD Domain Changed

There’s been a lot happening in the BitTorrent community today – EuReka, an internal encoder and a founder of the high definition torrent tracker Awesome-HD, has left AHD to join HD-Torrents, another popular HD tracker. It was a move filled with drama as EuRekA took the Awesome-HD domain along with him, leaving close to 9000 AHD members stranded and not being able to use the tracker. While this definitely is a blow to AHD, we learn that this definitely will not be the end of the tracker. At the same time, EuReKa’s addition will boost the value and popularity of HD-Torrents, which is already considered by many as an equally good HD torrent site. If you are looking forward to join HDT, signups have been opened for 4 days apparently to celebrate ‘the joining’.

Hd Torrents

Before we bore you with the Mass PMs and forum posts that explain the drama behind this move, let us first talk about the tracker in focus – HD-Torrents (as we do in any other tracker review).  This is not the first time HDT is featured on this blog – we posted about it in April 2009, back when they had another open signup. Since then, HD-Torrents have recorded some impressive growth and is now in league with other similar torrent sites such as HD-Bits.Ro.

With over 7500 torrents and an active seeder/leecher community (most popular torrent on this tracker has over 600 seeds), HD-Torrents is a good place to be if you love HD content. It tracks lots of 720p and 1080p releases (in x264 container) ranging from movies, TV shows, documentaries, anime to even some high quality lossless music. There are a lot of p2p releases indexed (in addition to scene releases) including some uploads by internal encoder groups which now include EuReKa.


By now you may have figured out that HD-Torrents does not open registrations that often. However, HDT will be open for public signups in the next 4 days – this is of course in celebration of EuRekA’s joining as an internal encoder. If you are looking for a decent tracker to fill your HD needs, check this site out.

Site Name: HD-Torrents (

Signup URL:

What really happened?

And now for the behind the scenes stuff. There are two sides to every story and we present both sides below. Read and judge for yourself :)

Quoted below is a news post on HD-Torrents:

Dear Members,
We are happy to announce that as of today EuReKA has joined our team of internal encoders. EuReKA has been known for their quality releases and fits our quality policy perfectly. We hope that with this step we will make the community more stronger and this site the best!  
PS: We are opening the site for registrations for 4.5 days. The reason for it is to celebrate the recruitment of EuReKA as internal encoder.

Some answers:

Rabomil wrote:
Lately several things have happened within the staff of Awesome-HD which made me decide to leave Awesome-HD.
Today I told the staff of Awesome-HD that I would leave Awesome-HD for HD-Torrents. I also asked them to change their domain before the beginning of next month.
Not long after my announcement to leave AHD my account there got disabled. This made me decide to link the domain to HD-Torrents. I'm not proud of this move, but the staff of AHD went too far by disabling my account.

HDT Team

The following is quoted from an announcement on Awesome-HD:

As of today Rabomil has announced that he is leaving Awesome-HD and taking his EuReKa brand to HD Torrents as an internal encoder. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours and we look forward to providing you, the members, with a continued quality site and community.
We will provide further details as they come available. We are not censoring you from your opinions but please keep them civil THERE IS TO BE NO FLAMING OF RABOMIL IN THE FORUMS.
Thank you
Tmockingbird & Staff

The fate of Awesome-HD?

As mentioned earlier Awesome-HD is unlikely to die from the events that took place today. While the absence of EuReKa (and the domain) will be a loss, the site will continue its operations with the rest of its uploaders and encoders. Below is a message we received from staff at AHD:

Rabomil has taken the domain away from the site after a disagreement with the rest of the staff of AHD. We are currently working on getting the site back under a different domain. The site is accessible via the hostname:

Existing members of AHD should be able to access the tracker with their old usernames and passwords via the above address. However we learn that AHD will move to a separate domain possibly and continue its operations from there. As of this moment, HAD signups remain closed.

Special thanks to our readers who sent us information including Orlin, Hubert, Rohit, Napster and to AHD staff for letting us know of the current status of site.

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