musiCORE – A New Zero Day Music Album Direct Download Service

A while ago we featured a service titled 0DayMusic, a service that let you download English music albums via direct download links. Here’s another similar service – musiCORE. musiCORE indexes download links to scene released music albums and has great pre times as well as better availability of files (since they use a file spreader service to upload each release to multiple hosts) than most other similar sites out there. A SceneNotice was recently pre’d which labeled this site as a ‘0sec HTTP Site Mirroring to Public’. It seems the source of files uploaded to one click hosting sites is an FTP server, possibility affiliated with over 25 release groups from the warez scene (if the information in SceneNotice is correct, that is). Either way if you are a fan of music, this is a site worth having a look at - musiCORE looks like a promising project.


When it comes to adding new albums at a rapid pace, musiCORE seems to do an excellent job. Pre times seem to be very good (pre is not listed on site itself, but when you compare release names with new uploads added on scene music trackers, you’ll see) and the general availability of a download is high. musicCORE seems to use the file spreader service and each album usually comes with several different download links from multiple one click hosting sites such as RapidShare, MegaUpload, Hotfile etc. It is currently unknown the total number of albums indexed on this service but we know for a fact that over 2600 albums have been added in January 2010 alone (and that’s only 20 days as of today).

musicCore index

Note that clicking on a release name on the main index of musiCORE will take you to a forum link – and you are likely to need an invitation to register for this forum. However, if you click on the .rar/.zip etc link in the ‘Download’ column, you will directly be taken to the download page which will have several links pointing to the album hosted at different file hosting services. Note that some downloads may be password protected:

Some releases are password protected:
password 1:
password 2: depends on the filename, if 20028 - pass is 20028, if 9064 - password is 9064 and so on.

As an unregistered user, you are allowed to download a maximum of 50 albums per day – if you register on the forums this limit is eliminated (forum is open for registration but new accounts will not get access to internal threads unless accepted by administrator -an invite may be obtained via ‘Get Invited’ link on top toolbar).

[Click Here] to visit musiCORE release index

And just for the hell of it, according to the SceneNotice we mentioned above, musicCORE’s FTP is affiliated with scene groups including 1KING ATRium BPM BSiDE CBR D2H gnvr H5N1 HB HFT iHF mbs OMA ONe NRG PTC RHYTHMIC SiBERiA SiRE UKHx UME VOiCE WUS wWs DYNAMiCS and MONO (that’s a lot of them).

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