Use Google Translate From Windows Desktop - AIRTranslate

Here on FILEnetworks, Google Translate is a tool that we use almost everyday. For example when it comes to translating text from foreign private torrent trackers, it helps us greatly. Just like us, I’m sure most of our readers use this web service  their translation needs. If you do, here’s an application that you might find interesting. AIRTranslate is a piece of software that allows you to use Google Translate right from your desktop – with no browser involvement at all. With this app installed, you won’t need to fire up the browser and visit whenever you want something done.


As you can see from the above screenshot, AIRTranslate pretty much offers everything Google’s online service has to offer. This includes translation between the 50+ languages supported by the service, language auto detection and clipboard content detection. Although there is no browser involvement, AIRTranslate requires internet access to perform translations (obviously :p ).

You may have guessed this already - AIRTranslate is built on the Adobe AIR platform. It’s a relatively lightweight app (around 25MB physical RAM taken when run on Windows 7, setup file is around 750kb) and does not clutter your system with additional services, startup entries and such. You will need to have Adobe AIR installed (download from here) to install and run AIRTranslate.


[Click Here] to download latest version of AIRTranslate from Google Code