SceneXViD – Specialized XViD Movie/TV Torrent Tracker Now Open

I first stumbled across SceneXViD a few days ago while browsing FST - someone had opened a thread advertising the tracker there. Initially it appeared to be another forgettable tracker but it’s recorded some impressive growth over the first few days since launch. SceneXViD is a private torrent tracker that specializes in movies and TV shows encoded using XViD codec. It would have been the first private tracker of this kind but (Open) kinda already won that trophy. Still, SceneXViD appears to be a decent tracker in a world populated by thousands of ‘general’ trackers.


I’ve seen folks argue that XViD is a dying codec specially when it comes to BitTorrent. Argument is that higher fidelity encoders such as X264 are taking its place. While this is true to some extent, XViD is by no means a dying codec. In fact, it is still the king among movie/TV encodes – if you look in most trackers, XViD version of the same movie/TV show is snatched a lot more than the x264 version. Anyways I just wanted to point out that SceneXViD will have no problems when it comes to finding or indexing new XViD rips and their decision to index XViD-only content would not limit or reduce member recruitment. (If you want non XViD content, you can try looking in SceneDVDR (Open), their sister site which indexes untouched DVDs)

SceneXViD has only been online for about a week and it’s done quite well during this time. So far the site has managed to recruit around 750 members and get close to 300 torrents uploaded. Note that this is a Swedish site and the interface language is always set to Swedish– right now there is no way to change it to English. This shouldn’t be too much of a problem as navigation is pretty straightforward.

Download speeds and pre times (which are sometimes measured in hours) on SceneXViD are nothing much to talk about but hopefully they’ll improve as the site grows. As for the content, both Swedish and English releases are indexed. If you are looking for English only releases, look under ENG, TV-ENG and PACKS categories. Below is a screenshot showing part of the torrent index:

SceneXvid Screenshot

Signups for SceneXViD are currently open – there are no IRC recruitments, invite applications or interviews. Just fill the signup form (you might need the help of Google Translate) and you’re in.

Site Name: SceneXViD (

Signup URL:

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