Glabella – English Music Torrent Tracker

I bet single every one of you know about giant music trackers such as What.CD and Waffles.Fm. These sites are so popular that anyone new to the BT world would think that these are the only music trackers currently in existence. This however is not true. Overshadowed by the likes of What.CD, hundreds of smaller & lesser known private BitTorrent communities focusing on music still exist. This article is about one of them; Glabella. We first mentioned about this tracker in our BitTorrent Twitter accounts article sometime back. It seemed to be a popular tracker among our reader so here comes the full review.


Glabella is a BitTorrent tracker of Latvian origin. But don’t let that bother you – the site fully supports English and Russian languages in addition to Latvian. To change the language, click on a flag icon located to the left of the top toolbar.

According to Glabella’s statistics, the site has over 44000 members. This is quite a huge number for a private tracker. However, we think the site’s actual active member count is much less that 44k (judging by seeder/leecher stats, snatches per torrent, and Alexa rank). That being said, keep in mind that Glabella is not a ghost down. Most music albums have enough seeders for you to download them without issues.

As for the content, Glabella mostly tracks English music albums in MP3 format. They do have some great collections, discographies and music video packs in addition to regular albums. It currently tracks music related to 33 different genres.

Glabella Screenshot

Glabella runs on a customized version of TBDEV tracker script. The user interface is nothing special but at least it’s easy to navigate. Once again, if you need to change interface language it’s possible via the top toolbar.

At the time this article is being written, Glabella is open for signup. If you want to check the site out, now would be a good time.

Site Name: Glabella (

Signup URL: