20 Free Google Wave Invites – Giveaway 01

If you thought we were only handing out invites to private torrent trackers, you were wrong. While we were all busy trying to get Google Wave invites sent to our personal E-mail accounts, one of my fellow editors was kind enough to register FILEnetworks contact email with a wave request from Google. Not only the account got activated but we’ve begun receiving invites too. Since it would be a terrible waste for the invites not to be sent out, we though of giving them away for free via the blog. Right now we only have 20 remaining – more will be given away as we get them.

While everyone’s been busy trying to ride the Wave, here’s a little reality check:

Google Wave reality

(I found the image on Digg  - through this link. Credit to original author whoever that might be)

I’m not saying the service is bad but I really do feel sorry for the idiots who traded What.CD (and other private tracker) invites for this. Google are very good at building hype around a product (remember Gmail invites sometime back?).

If you want an invite, just post your email as a comment to this article. Keep in mind we only have 20 invites. First come, first served :)

Note: It may take a while for your invite to arrive – It says “Invitations will not be sent immediately. We have a lot of stamps to lick.” on the Invites Wave.