SubLight 1.70 Download – Automatic Subtitle Downloader

Recently we featured an impressive tool for automatic subtitle downloading called SubLight. Here’s an update – a new version of Sublight (v1.70) has just been released and the new build contains many improvements and enhancements such as the Windows 7 style ribbon based user interface. With this app, subtitle searching for downloaded movies and TV shows becomes very easy. It autodetects the input video file and searches several subtitle repositories for matching subs. When it finds one, you are given the option to download it to the correct dir with the click of a button.


If I wanted to search for a subtitle for a particular episode of a TV series, all I need to do is to select the video file from the app. As you can see from the screenshot above, SubLight detects the file format, auto fills the required information and performs the search. Downloading is almost instantaneous – there is zero web browser involvement and everything can be done through your Windows desktop. Speaking of Windows, it runs on XP, Vista and Windows 7 flawlessly.

Subtitle search is powered by several online sub repositories. In addition to the main source, it searches through following databases:

  • divx-titlovi
  • divxfinland
  • subdivx
  • podnapsi
  • allsubs

There’s lots more to SubLight that just downloading files. This includes IMDB link generation, NFO file viewing and even publishing new subs. The ribbon UI will come in handy when discovering these features.


[Click Here] to download latest version of SubLight from official download page

Note that they also have a Silverlight based online version of the app – if you don’t like installing desktop software, give this a go.