UPDATE 5: HeavenTracker (HT), PeerPortal and LeechersLair are now open for signup for ScT members. Await detailed reviews of these sites later. ScL is now closed but invites are available for ScT members on their IRC.
If you still don’t know about the whole SceneTorrents (ScT) tracker shutting down saga, we suggest you read this post now. As we mentioned in the previous post, lots of other private torrent trackers have come forth to help out the stranded users over at ScT. Among the trackers that are offering free invites to ex-ScT members include high profile sites such as TorrentLeech (TL) and PolishTracker (PT). If you are currently a SceneTorrents member, you can ask for a free invite from either TL or PT (or both) on their invites IRC channels. Invite requests are handled manually so please wait patiently for a response. More information about each giveaway is given below.
TorrentLeech IRC invite giveaway for ScT members
TorrentLeech has helped many other BitTorrent communities in the past whenever they ran into trouble. TL did it with FileList and now they are doing it again with ScT. If you are currently a ScT member, all you need to do is to log into TL’s invites channel and do as the channel topic says. (You have to PM your ScT profile link and email to username mentioned). Note that this giveaway will only last for a few days. Invite channel details are as follows:
Site Name: TorrentLeech (http://www.torrentleech.org)
Stats: 160000+ members and 24000+ active torrents
Server: irc.torrentleech.org
Port: 7011
Channel: #invites
Direct Link: irc://irc.torrentleech.org:7011/invites
PolishTracker (PT) invites for ScT members
PolishTracker, another decent invite only Scene/0Day tracker, is offering invites to ScT members on their IRC. Again, you need to join their invites channel to obtain the invite. Be ready to provide a screenshot of your ScT profile “with current date and without any modifications, hosted only on imageshack.us or tinypic.com”. We reiterate that this offer is only for existing ScT members. IRC channel/site details are as follows:
Site Name: PolishTracker.org (http://polishtracker.org:81 or http://polishtracker.org )
Stats: 11300+ torrents and 15000+ active members
Server: irc.polishtracker.org
Channel: #pt-invite
Direct Link: irc://irc.polishtracker.org/pt-invite
SCC Invites for ScT members
SCC’s user limit has been raised to 18000 and their support IRC channel now hands out invites to ScT users. You need to PM a link to your unhidden ScT profile along with an Email address to users mention in the channel topic.
Site Name: SCC
Stats: 15600 + members and 43000+ torrents
Channel: #scc-support
Direct Link: N/A. Site rules prohibit posting URL or full name in public.
HeavenTracker (HT) invites for both ScT members and non-members
HeavenTracker, a General/0Day tracker with blazing fast pre times and good download speeds, is also offering invites for ScT users. In fact, HT invites channel has been open for everyone for some time now (as we previously reported) so you will be able to request an invite even if you don’t have a ScT account. If you need more information about this tracker, we suggest you read our recent review of it, which can be found here. Current invite channel topic reads “provide us with the link to your speedtest.net results and make screenshot from another tracker you are a member of. Wait patiently for a member of staff/support.”
Site Name: HeavenTracker (http://heaventracker.org)
Stats: 10000+ members and ~18000 torrents
IRC Server: irc.vaultnet.org
Invites Channel: #ht-invite
Direct Link: irc://irc.vaultnet.org/ht-invite
TorrentVault special signup link for both ScT members and non members
If you were a member of ScT you probably are addicted to fast pre times. TorrentVault, albeit not as old nor popular as ScT, is a rising star in the private tracker scene especially when it comes to new torrent uploads and pre times. We recommend you read the full tracker review to get an idea of what this underrated Gazelle tracker is capable of. Special signup link featured in our last giveaway is still live so feel free to register a new account if you need it. This will be valid for both ScT members and non members.
Site Name: TorrentVault (https://www.torrentvault.org)
Statistics: 10100+ users and 12500+ torrents
Signup URL:
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