BREIN Takes Down ‘Loop’ Topsite

Those interested in BitTorrent, Warez Scene and file sharing in general should familiar with the name BREIN, the Dutch anti piracy outfit. Over the past couple of years BREIN has been responsible for taking down many BitTorrent sites (most of these returned, but that’s a different story), P2L sites and scene topsites. After their last major victory of defeating Mininova in courts, it seems BREIN has scored yet again. A new article posted on their news page glorifies taking down ‘Loop’ topsite. According to that two servers with 40TB storage capacity were raided. Note that we do not have much information about the takedown and we don’t know if it really was a topsite that got raided or lower level P2L site. A translated version of the news item is posted below.

Today BREIN foundation through a judicial ex parte leave the servers seized by a 'ranked topsite. A topsite is a closed website by "release groups" used to store illegal files to the newest content, especially movies, music and games. A 'ranked' topsite belongs to a relatively small select top layer. These top sites are the source of piracy on the Internet and beyond. The topsite "Loop" was hosted in Amsterdam by a Dutch hosting provider. These were two servers with 28 hard drives, the estimated capacity of the site is approximately 40 Terabytes, which equates to around 8500 DVDs or 57,000 CDs. To prevent the content from the servers would be moved and evidence would disappear, BREIN has the ex-parte court asked permission to seize the server. This means that the leave is assessed based on evidence of brain and without the other party to hear. That game can be set as a waiver case he wrongly believes that the leave is granted. Also ban granted against the hosting provider to provide services to the site itself or infringement. After service of the leave by the bailiff, the hosting provider cooperated by the servers to point to the data center in Amsterdam. BREIN also demands release of any identifying information concerning the customer (including name, address and bank details) for whom the servers are hosted. These are issued according to law and jurisprudence when the infringement is likely and there is a legitimate interest for the injured party. In this case, the widespread infringement and the importance to claim damages and to avoid obvious repetition. Release groups and ranked top sites are the source of the availability of illegal files on Internet content and beyond, especially as films and games are concerned. From these places are not only widely accessible Internet sites such as P2P and usenet (newsgroups) are served, but also trade in illegal DVDs. BREIN protects authors, performers, publishers, producers, distributors and (online) retail movies, TV series, music, games and interactive software against infringement and abuse of copyright and neighboring rights.

Yeah it’s not a perfect translation (done via Google Translate) – if you need it, the original article may be found here. Anyway at least it doesn’t look like anyone got arrested.

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