ScenePalace – Scene Torrent Tracker Open For Signup Once Again

Out of the many new General/0Day trackers that pop up every day, only a few sites manage to make a lasting impression. ScP is one of those few general trackers that has shown a good potential for future growth – within just two and a half months since launch, the site has attracted a significant user base, added many torrents and maintained the very fast pre times that made the site popular during it’s first few days of being online. ScenePalace is a scene only torrent tracker that indexes releases from the warez scene, including movies, games, music, TV shows and content related to many other categories. After being invite only since last January, ScP has once again opened registrations in an attempt to bring in some new blood into the tracker.


Although publicly launched back in January 2010, ScP technically is still in beta. Site is currently at v1.2 with plans to launch V2.0 probably in March. Site administration has been very secretive so far about upcoming new features in V2 – however we’ve been told that a brand new design in on the pipeline, along with many other enhancements. Anyways ScP’s progress so far has been impressive – they have recruited close to 5000 members and have indexed around 6000 torrents in just over two months time.

When ScP first came onto the scene, there was much talk about it’s pre times. Thankfully, the tracker has lived up to the hype and still  indexes torrents at blazing speeds (although there have been instances where larger torrents such as games having slightly worse pre times). According all time site statistics on Tracers channel on P2P-NET (irc://, ScP has so far registered 525+ wins and is among the top 10 fastest trackers monitored by the channel.

ScenePalace Pre Times

Like most scene only trackers, ScP organizes its torrent index using multiple browse pages. There are three separate pages for general releases, MP3/0Day releases and even an archive page that lists older torrents. The interface does not have many bells and whistles but it’s clean, uncluttered and easily navigable.

And as the title of this post says, ScP has once again opened registrations to the public. A post on the homepage reads:

2010-02-20 - March Madness!

As you can see the site has been heavily modified since we launched it the 1/1-10 - We still have a long way to go and currently we're in version 1.2 beta and soon we will go out of beta and into an official 2.0 version. March month will be a crazy month with a lot of changes so prepare yourselves!
A lot of users have expressed a wish to invite friends and saying we were a bit too fast to lock down the site and go "invite only"  therefor together with the celebration of the implementation of our new scripts and your wishes we have decided to open up signups for new members.
However this has a limited time window so if you have a friend you'd like to be on ScP it's better to get him here this week rather than the next week - We have also enabled a more aggressive hit'n'run policy to ensure we won't open the flood gates for leechers and bad users.

We have been told by ScenePalace administration that they will be closing signups once the user limit of 7500 is reached. This leaves around 3000 more free slots so if you are interested in becoming a member of a new scene tracker, check ScP out.

Site Name: ScenePalace (

Signup URL

Special thanks to ScenePalace owners for the information provided.