MultReactor – Russian Tracker With English Kids TV Shows and Cartoon Packs

It’s been a while a kids tracker was featured on this blog. Last one we covered was NepToons, a torrent site that specialized in full season packs of retro cartoons. MultReactor (MR) is a similar tracker – it tracks a lot of kids cartoons, movies and live action drama including plenty of full season packs and complete series packs both old and new. With it’s roots in Russia, MultReactor is part of the DisneyJazz network (await separate article on DJ). Even though a site of Russian origin, good news for English speaking users is that MR indexes a lot of cartoons with English audio. This private tracker is currently open for signup and if you are looking for a new torrent site with lots of cartoon, give this one a go.

MultiReactor Logo

Although it’s not a much hyped tracker in the BitTorrent community, MR is not exactly a new site. It has been online since early 2008 and is almost three years old. As of 18/2/2010 MR tracks close to 1500 torrents with an active registered user base of 10500+ members. Considering the fact that this is a niche tracker, most would agree with us when we say that this is a successful tracker that hasn’t failed.

Majority of the content here are p2p uploads. MR has its own internal encoder group who are responsible for some of the high quality season packs of popular cartoons found on the tracker. Although majority of the releases have English audio, be warned that some are dubbed in Russian. You can spot these torrents as they usually carry the ‘RUS’ tag on title. Speaking of titles, every torrent name is spelled both in English and Russian in the main index. However, having its name spelt in Russian doesn’t mean the release is intended only for Russian audiences – as said above most cartoons indexed on MR have English audio.


MultReactor is based on the TB Dev SZ Edition tracker script and has a decent UI. It’s nothing mind blowing but the site is very navigable and easy to use. Interface language can be switched to English and once done so, all major site functions will get English labels (language in forum posts, messages, etc will not change and they will remain to be in original language which is Russian in most cases).

Anyways if you are looking for a BitTorrent tracker that has a lot of cartoons, MultReactor is a worthy site to have. Registrations are currently open so feel free to check it out.

Site Name: MultReactor (

Signup URL:

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