Facebook Desktop Client From Microsoft Based on Silverlight

Here’s a nice little application for FaceBook addicts out there. It’s a small piece of software based on Microsoft Silverlight that allows users manage their Facebook accounts right from the Windows desktop. What’s special about this app is that it’s developed and maintained by Microsoft itself (we’re not only talking about Silverlight but of the FB client as well). While it’s a very nice looking piece of software with several cool features, keep in mind that it’s still in beta. You will need to install the Silverlight 4 developer preview to run the application. Once installed, you can interact with your Facebook account from the desktop with no browser involvement at all and perform a number of functions such as updating status, viewing or downloading photos, messaging and so on.

Facebook Application Microsoft

First thing you’ll notice about this application will be it’s eye catching user interface with flashy menus and text. This UI gives you easy access to the news feed, status updates, links, videos, events and photo albums and is a pleasure to navigate. You can even customize the layout to change the way items are displayed. The experience would have been even more complete had MS implemented Facebook chat but for an application that’s still in beta this is excellent.


  1. [Click Here] to download Silverlight 4 Developer Preview.
  2. Once you install Silverlight 4, [Click Here] to download and install the Facebook desktop client application