TorrentVault Marketplace – Bonus System To Balance Your Ratio

TorrentVault is a private torrent tracker that’s recently been making waves in the BitTorrent community. Apart from being one of the fastest growing private torrent sites in 2009, TV is probably best known for blazing fast pre times on it’s 0Day releases. But that’s not all, TorrentVault has constantly been adding new features to its newly launched Gazelle based tracker/web interface. Their newest add-on ‘TorrentVault Marketplace’, should come in handy for those with low bandwidth internet connections and for folks who have difficulties keeping up with the site’s ratio rules.


Simply speaking, TV Marketplace is a variant of a seed bonus system. You earn ‘gold’ for torrents you keep seeding and with enough gold you can buy invites, upload credit and other goodies. While it’s nothing revolutionary (we’ve seen similar systems on many other trackers), this should help those with low bandwidth internet connections greatly. Under this system, the actual amount of data you upload would not matter -  you will keep earning gold as long as you keep the torrents seeding. To boost the global ratio using gold earned by seeding, purchase upload credit at the Marketplace.

However, seeding is not the only way you can earn gold. Posting on the forums and free weekly gifts are there to help you become richer.

TorrentVault Marketplace

A detailed explanation as to why such a system was introduced was given by Demonic (TV SysOp) on TorrentVault’s forum. The post is quoted below and this should better explain the way TV Marketplace works and how it could benefit you in the future:

We have been asked for nearly two years to implement some kind of a bonus system to balance the ratio system for users on slow internet connections that do try to seed and be a good user but are being killed off by wealthier and/or Expert users that have a lot of experience on Private trackers.

Seeding has always been competitive here but its not due to anything having to do with how the tracker is configured. We do not limit your connectivity to other peers. The reason some torrents do not seed fast is basically the fault of everyone who only downloads from TV during Free Leech. There are simply not enough leechers due to lack of usage from many members with slow internet connections.

If people would actually use the site the same way whether free leech was enabled or not it would not be hard to seed here. Proof? Any time we have had Free leech enabled in the past...

Thus The Marketplace idea was born. Its not a new concept by any means however for sites in our category its pretty rare. Mostly because sites like TV survive on donations to pay the outrageously priced dedicated server hosting and donations by users looking to save their account that has a bad ratio. We are going to test this theory, we believe that our community is strong and that TV will be supported whether or not the donating member has a good ratio.
TV will only be around as long as its wanted and we hope you all want us for a long time.

The way it works:

Every hour that you are seeding a completed torrent on our tracker you earn 3 Gold for each one. So if you are seeding 20 torrents you will earn 60 Gold every hour. You can spend your wealth at The Marketplace. Which is a new page with some "shops" like Gigs for Gold where you can trade Gold for GB of Upload credit. Naturally since The Marketplace is such a new feature there will be adjustment over time and balancing the Economy of it, if you all have too much Gold the system is botched.

If you dont have enough it does not help you so we have to balance that to make sure you are taken care of and TV is safe from massive abuse. We monitor the system and check logs daily, Remember this is only meant to help you and make your experience more enjoyable.

The Gold meter at the top (next to Ratio: ) updates every 15 minutes. However you can see your current Gold amount on The Marketplace page.

The Marketplace is a work in progress and we are ready to hear everyones feedback on it. Like it? Love it? Hate it? Leave a reply on this thread. If you have ideas for what else we can spend our Gold on it will be welcomed. One idea is not using your Upload credit to pay the 500MB cost for making a Request. But rather using Gold instead, since your Gold will replenish whether or not your Upload credits are at that moment.

So there you have it. If you stopped using TorrentVault after the Freeleech period ended, looks like it’s time to return to the tracker. On a side note, they’ve kept up those great pre times and the releases are still flowing at a rapid rate – TV now tracks close to 20000 torrents.

As for signups, they are currently closed. However if you are a reader of this blog you most probably are already a member there – after all, we did conduct several invite giveaways for this tracker just recently.

Site Name: TorrentVault (

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