PureTorrents Is Back – Academic E-Book Torrent Tracker

There was a time when several new private torrent trackers launched to replace the gap left behind by popular academic Ebook tracker Textbook Torrents. However, most of these sites didn’t last long expect for a very few trackers such as PureTorrents. PureTorrents is a Textbook Torrents alternative that has been growing at an astounding pace over the past few months. However, PT was down for several days last week, making it’s loyal fans a little worried. There is however no reason to panic – PureTorrents has returned and the site is fully functional once again (looks like someone forgot to pay server bills :p ). Public signups are also still open.

We’ve been monitoring this site since the very beginning and PureTorrent’s growth has been quite impressive. After almost an year since launch one would have expected to see the flow of new torrents slow down but that hasn’t been the case with this site. Back in August 2009 when we last featured PT, they had only 8200 active torrents indexed. Just a couple more months later, this number has increased by 3000+ new releases, taking the total torrent count well over 11000. User base has also grown to a respectable number and PureTorrents now has over 5500 active members registered on site. When we first reviewed PureTorrents back in April 2009, the site only had 1200 torrents and 175 members.

As far as content goes, PureTorrents tracks torrents across a number of different topics such as information technology to even literature. We suggest you use the ‘Browse tags’ feature on main toolbar to get an idea of how diverse the content on this site is. Most of the torrents on PT however are non fiction/educational books and not many works of fiction are indexed, making it an idea tracker for students and professionals. And it's worth mentioning that audiobooks are not allowed on this tracker.


We have already featured this tracker twice on previous occasions but if you still aren’t a member, it’s not too late to sign up. PT is currently open for signup and if you are looking for a decent, fast growing Ebook tracker, this is as good a choice as any.

Site Name: PureTorrents (http://puretorrents.org)

Signup URL: http://puretorrents.org/account-signup.php

IRC Channel: irc://irc.puretorrents.org/PureTorrents

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