My Anonamouse – Great Private Tracker For E-Books, Audiobooks and Music Tutorials

I'm just wondering why we didn’t post about this site earlier. My-Anonamouse is probably one of the most underrated private trackers ever. Many people brand this as an E-learning tracker but IMHO it’s much more than that. Actually I don’t know of a category to place it on as My Anonamouse caters to several different types of content. If you are a book lover, you’ll find a lot of E-books and audiobooks on this site (both fiction and non fiction). If you are a musician, you’ll find a lot of music tutorials, sheet music and so on. And if you are a fan of comics or graphic novels, you’ll find those here as well.

My Anonamouse Logo

With over 18000 registered users, My Anonamouse is a pretty large niche tracker (is as big as BitMe or BitSpyder in terms of user base). The torrent index is not so small either – there are over 14000 uploaded torrents. There seems to be a lot of focus on community which is composed of friendly members and staff. I think it would be correct to say that My Anonamouse is a family friendly site. Based on TBDev tracker script, this tracker has a very simple look and feel. You won’t find the features of Gazelle here but all the essential functions (including a bonus system) are there.

Content is where My Anonamouse really excels at. As we said before the site indexes a wide range of torrents ranging from electronic books to concert DVDs. Following explanation about available torrent categories is quoted from the invite application:

If you are a musician, you will find: Lick libraries, sheet music, instructional media as well as Concert DVDs.
For book lovers, we have an amazing selection of both audio and ebooks, ranging from current 'blockbuster' releases to those rare gems.
Our recently added Comic/Graphic Novel section is growing daily.

And if the above didn’t give you a pretty clear idea, have a look at some of the category icons available (and be awed):

My Anonamouse

Like most private communities, My Anonamouse is currently invite only. However, obtaining an invite is pretty easy as they have an online invite application. It doesn't have high entry requirements and almost all the questions are about site rules (you need to read rules and FAQ to get in – these pages are visible to non members). Once you are comfortable with the questions, you need to log into their main IRC channel and say the magic word (read invite application). Staff are friendly and most of you shouldn’t have any problems getting in.

Site Name: My Anonamouse (

Invite Application URL:

Link to Rules Page:

Link to FAQ Page:

Direct Link to Main IRC Channel: (Read invite application first and then login)

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