Hits4.Us – New Private Music Torrent Tracker From XWT Crew

Hits4.Us is a brand new music torrent tracker that has recorded some rapid growth in the past few weeks. It tracks a wide range of US/UK English music across a number of different genres, including some music video torrents as well. Behind Hits4.Us is a veteran crew in the BitTorrent scene; it’s brought to you by the same folks behind successful trackers such as XWT (a poplar wrestling tracker), A4N (decent general tracker) and XWT-Classics (another wrestling tracker). With the backing of such an experienced staff, future of Hits4.Us definitely looks bright. And for those of you who want to get in, signups are currently open.


If I remember correctly, this tracker was launched somewhere around the 1st of September. Within only three weeks, Hits4.Us has managed to recruit over 3700 members – an outstanding achievement for a private tracker indeed (the notice announcing tracker launch on XWT homepage should definitely have helped). Over 575 torrent have also been uploaded, at an average of ~30 new torrents per day.

Hits4.Us tracks English music from the likes of US and UK. Following paragraph which describes the type of content available on this tracker, is quoted from a forum post:

This is a Dedicated Music Tracker which means we will ONLY allow Music to be uploaded. The only exception to this Rule is Concerts/Music Videos and Music Applications.

Currently there are 31 different music genres defined as torrent categories. It appears that there are both scene and non scene content available on this tracker. Below is an screenshot of part of Hits4.Us categories and torrent index:

Hits4.us screenshot

Like most sites from the XWT family, Hits4.us is open for registration. However open signups may not last forever so get in while you can.

Site Name: Hits4.Us (http://hits4.us)

Signup URL: http://hits4.us/signup.php