The Sims 3 Money Trainer Released

Well the game isn’t even officially out yet but we are already seeing trainers being released for The Sims 3. This perhaps has something to do with the recent leak. Shortly after the game was leaked by RELOADED, the DOX division of Razor1911 (RazorDox) released a new money trainer for The Sims 3. This will no doubt be hugely popular given the number of people who have already pre ordered/downloaded the game and hundreds and thousands that’ll purchase the game once it’s released.

Razor1911 Sims 3 Trainer

The trainer does only one thing – it adds money to the player’s account (virtual money in the Sims world that is :) ) whenever CTRL + F2 is pressed at the in game buy menu. Of course, to enable this hack you need to have the trainer running in the background simultaneously with the game. I personally have not tested this trainer, however comments on various online forums suggest that it works flawlessly. As for where to download the trainer, we do not link to any trainers directly nor host them. You can check the GameCopyWorld page for The Sims 3 for more information.

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