PTN ratio free movie tracker – Invite applications open again

If you missed the last time PTN opened external invite applications, there is no reason to worry. They are open once again and probably will remain open thought the entire weekend (sitewide 2X upload is enabled at time of this post as well and will remain so for another 12 hours). As you might already know, PTN is a ratio free movie/TV/OST tracker with lots of packs and exclusive torrents. Unlike many other private Bittorrent sites, PTN does not focus entirely on the content – it’s community based tracker where everybody knows everybody.

PTN tracker logo

As of (31/5/2009), PTN currently tracks over 5200 torrents and their userbase comprises of 2200+ registered members. Content on this site includes Movies, TV shows and official Soundtracks. This is definitely one of the best private trackers for movies packs – there are over 200 of them. PTN layout is easy to use and is packed with nice little extra features such as arcade, blackjack, pirate galleries, pirate’s notes box, gold system with 2x, 3x, 5x gold and random category bonus, three separate browse pages for movies/TV/OST, requests system, staff picks and so on.

PTN screenshot

Being a private community, PTN is almost never open to public signups. You can however get into this tracker through an invite from an existing member, via tracker recruitment threads on various Bittorrent forums or by filling the external invite application form that is occasionally available (such as right now) at a special URL. PTN invite application was explained and discussed in some detail in our previous review of the site. We suggest you read the comments to that article which includes responses by users as well as PTN Staff.

Site Name: PTN

Invite Application URL: http://*********.***/comeandplay.php (do not use ‘www’ in the address)

Note: PTN tracker rules prohibit displaying full tracker URL in public so only the location of the invite application was given (../comeandplay.php). Do not ask for full tracker URL or post it here.