How to solve ArenaBG tracker timeout and offline errors

Several days ago we posted an article about ArenaBG – a huge General/0day torrent site with no mandatory ratio requirements. Since then, our E-mail inbox began to get flooded by emails from many readers asking how to actually connect to ArenaBG’s BitTorrent tracker. Apparently a lot of users were getting tracker offline errors, not allowed or timeout errors when trying to download torrents from the site. We contacted TSL (MilenK), staff at ArenaBG tracker to know what’s up and he was kind enough to come up with both an explanation as well as a well written guide to solve this common problem.

Begin Quote:

The main reason users outside Bulgaria can't download from ArenaBG is because the announcer block their IP's. We had a lot of troubles with fake peers that used to overload our machines and that's why we block everybody outside Bulgaria. This was about 2 months ago. After that we start our work over the code and we didn't stop. One by one different countries gain back access. Until we finish our job, the only way for users from "blacklisted" countries to use our site is to set their .torrent client to communicate with the announcer through proxy server.

To solve this problem, configure uTorrent client as below:

  1. from Options menu choose Preferences and from pop-up window go to Connection.
  2. There on the bottom half of the window you will see "Proxy Server" menu.
  3. Choose "HTTP" as type of proxy server and enter the IP and the port of the proxy (see below for a list of proxy servers)
  4. In boxes bellow, DO NOT check "Authentication" and "Use proxy server for peer-to-peer connections"(you need proxy only to connect with arenabg' announcer. Checking the last one will overload the proxy server and it will stop working).
  5. "Resolve hostnames through proxy" should be checked by default - leave it that way.
  6. Restart the client.

You can use some of the following proxy servers:

  • port:8080
  • port:3128
  • port:3128
  • or choose one from

The countries that have access for now are Germany, Egypt, Croatia, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Austria, Pakistan, Great Britain, India and Turkey. For last three countries, there could be some regions that still do not have access, but they are not more. However, USA will be the last one to gain back access, because the biggest fllo is from there.

End Quote. – Guide written by TSL, edited by TEAM FILEnetworks

So there you have it – thanks to the excellent guide by TSL your ArenaBG tracker problems should now be solved. Happy downloading!

CAUTION: Once you configure uTorrent using the above method note that it will connect to each and every BitTorrent tracker (not just ArenaBG) through the specified proxy address. Some private torrent trackers prohibit the use of proxy servers – make sure you undo the configuration changes made to the client before connecting to such trackers or you may get banned for violating rules.

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