BitMe E-Learning Tracker – Now with mathematics ebooks, tutorials and DVDs is considered by many as the world’s best E-Learning torrent tracker. With over 18500 torrents in the index and 19000+ registered users, its also one of the largest E-learning trackers currently in existence. Apart from the usual flurry of daily new torrents, Bitme has recently added an entirely new category to the site titled ‘Math’. As the name implies, this category is all about Mathematics related stuff. You can find mathematical ebooks, tutorials (including video tutorials), test preparation kits and many more torrents in this section.


The following is quoted from a news post on site regarding the new addition:

May-24-09 - New Category

BitMe now has another new category that we hope will help members.
BitMe is happy to announce the MATH category...
yeah MATH!!!
Thanks to Yabood for the MATH category image.
also the category college lectures was using the TTC image, so the category has been renamed to match... you should now see TTC in the dropdown lists for that category.
//BitMe staff

The ‘Math’ category is already seeing some serious activity with around 40 torrents being added in a single day (most of these packs and collections):

bitme screenshot

So there you have it - If you are a student, teacher or someone who has an interest in the field of mathematics, you now have a new reason to chase for a Bitme invite (the site is almost never open to the public).

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