ToxicJ – Japanese & Korean music torrent tracker (Gazelle based)

We have so far posted about a lot of music torrent trackers here on FILEnetworks Blog but this is the first time a tracker dedicated to Japanese/Korean music is being posted.  ToxicJ is a brand new private tracker that specializes in music from Japan & Korea. Although this site is all about Japanese content, site language and interface is in English. ToxicJ runs on the Gazelle codebase, a BitTorrent tracker script pioneered by

toxicj tracker

First of all ToxicJ is a new private tracker – it’s less than one month old. The site only has around 200 users and indexes close to 50 torrents. Content on this tracker mainly comprise of Japanese/Korean MP3 music tracks (192, 256 and 320 bitrates) ripped from CDs (albums). There are several lossless music tracks in FLAC format available as well.

toxicj torrents 

As you can see from the above screenshot, there are a lot of torrents on free leech (this was taken on 15/2/2009). There are 2-3 seeders present on most of the torrents. Just like any other tracker ToxicJ comes with new features of the Gazelle codebase including tagging, faster navigation and so on.

As I said earlier this is a new tracker and not much can be predicted about its future at this point. However, if you are a fan of Japanese or Korean music ToxicJ could be worth checking out – signups are currently open. You will also get 2 free invites upon signup.

Site Name:

Signup URL:


  • Music
  • PV
  • Lives
  • DVD
  • Scans

P.S.- At the time of writing, there was an error message displayed on homepage. Browse pages, downloads and tracker were working fine.