The Horror Charnel – Horror and cult movie torrent tracker signups open

Did anyone notice that today is Friday the 13th. According to Wikipedia, “Friday the 13th is a superstition about a day of good or bad luck”. Well I don’t know about bad luck but today definitely is a good day for fans of Horror/Cult movies and TV Shows. Why? The Horror Charnel (THC), probably the best private torrent tracker around for horror themed content, has opened signups after being closed for ages.

the horror charnel

As of 13/9/2009, THC indexes around 500 torrents (Note that this is the number of active torrents on the tracker - only includes the ones added after October 2008). If you are a fan of horror and cult movies, you’ll feel at home because THC has a great community. It already has a user base of close to 2000 members and the number of users is expected to grow rapidly during the open signups.

As for the content on THC, this tracker indexes both TV shows and movies related to the cult genre. Amongst the torrents indexed are some very rare horror movies, older horror themed TV shows (Friday the 13th TV series, shorts, TV documentaries and more. There are some great packs online as well. The complete list of categories is too long to be posted here – check the ‘genre selector’ on THC for a full list.

the horror charnel screens

There is a note posted on THC about the open registrations:

Starting this Friday the 13th, THC will (for a short time) have open sign-ups.
Only 1 account per new member please! Any double accounts will be deleted!
Enjoy the madness!
THC Staff

Every new user gets 2GB free upload credit upon signup. As the notice says, open signups won’t last forever so get in while you can.

Site Name: The Horror Charnel (

Signup URL:

Horror Movie Database (HMDB)

Horror Movie Database (HMDB), which is a sister site of THC, is also open for signup. HMDB is not a torrent tracker - it’s a database of Horror Movies with covers, reviews, news and other extras.

Site Name: Horror Movie Database (

Signup URL:

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