RandomBytes – General tracker with good pre times

RandomBytes (Rby) is a private torrent tracker which tracks a lot of releases from the warez scene. Unlike specialized trackers it does not focus on a specific category of torrents. RandomBytes has average download speeds and good pre times. It has also acquired a reasonable user base and  looks like a good tracker to start with for new entrants to the BitTorrent scene (that’s not saying it’s a no-no for hard core users).


As I mentioned earlier, one of the positives about RBy is its pre times. Although elites such as SCC and ScT beat RBy hands down, it has better pre times than most general trackers out there. RBy has won 350+ ‘pre time races’ on #Tracers channel (await a separate article on this) and is placed at the 8th position out of 30+ trackers. As of 23/2/2009, RBy tracks 3200+ torrents and has a user base of 3700+ members. 

The content on RBy are mostly scene releases. There are not many packs to speak of here.

RBY screen

RandomBytes has a seed bonus system – when you seed torrents for extended time periods, bonus points are added. These can later be used to purchase upload credit to give your global ratio a boost.

RBy registrations are currently open. All new members start up with 2.5GB free upload credit. If you are interested, check it out.

Site Name: RandomBytes (http://www.randombytes.org)

Signup URL: http://www.randombytes.org/signup.php

SMS Updates: No. RBy RSS feed is incompatible with TwitterFeed. (What are SMS Updates?)