iTune.Ro – Gazelle based music torrent tracker signups open

iTune.Ro is a new private torrent tracker specializing in English music. Although this tracker is only 10 days old, it’s already attracted a large number of users and seems to have become an overnight hit among BitTorrent fans. iTune is another private torrent tracker that uses the Gazelle codebase pioneered by The site boasts a sleek interface, faster page navigation, improved search along with other benefits provided by the Gazelle script.

itune logo

I first noticed iTune.Ro about a week ago – back then the site was a ghost town with not many torrents and users. The situation now is completely different. For the 10 or so days since launch, iTune has attracted over 1800 registered users. There are over 380 torrents in its index, nearly half of them added in the last 3 days - pretty impressive statistics for a start up specialized tracker. Majority of the torrents on iTune are English music albums (MP3 tracks - usually 192/320kbps CD rips). In addition to MP3 albums, I’ve seen an increasing number of FLAC (Lossless) music too being uploaded to iTune lately. Speaking of uploading, it’s worth mentioning that everyone is allowed to upload releases on this tracker (as long as they comply with rules)

itune screenshot

iTune being a dedicated music tracker benefits greatly from the advanced features in Gazelle script. Tagging, artist search bar, torrent grouping, discography view, album art are just a few of such features.  In addition, a requests section is also present on iTune.

This tracker is currently open for signup and is likely to remain that way until the maximum user limit is reached.. iTune’s user limit was initially set to 1000. Due to high demand this was later raised to 1234 and now (08 February) to 2012. This means there are only around 200 more spots available if the currently user cap remains unchanged. Get in while you can – this tracker looks very promising.

Site Name: iTune (

Signup URL:

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