SceneRace now a ratioless tracker

About a month ago, we posted an article about SceneRace (ScR), a Gazelle based General/0Day tracker started by several Ex-Funfile uploaders. Now, just after a month since their launch, SceneRace have introduced the first major change to the tracker – SceneRace v2. One of the highlights in SceneRace 2 is the tracker going ratio-free. Several other new features including enhancements to site interface, search feature, changes to upload system too have been introduced.

scenerace v2

A detailed explanation on SceneRace’s new ‘ratio-free’ nature is posted on the site’s homepage:

Now all you and the rest of the community can see is your upload. And that's all that matters.
We plan to add more around this in the near future, but for now we're a simple ratio-less site. (Please be aware staff can still see your ratio, so excessive leeching will still be punished)

In addition to becoming a ratio free tracker, ScR v2 introduces several other features such as a new torrent search which now allows search by release group name, a new torrent details page which displays cover art (if applicable), torrent info, torrent stats, tags and torrent actions, a new upload system, a new theme (now they have 7 themes) and monthly VIP raffles.

 scenerace v2 screen

ScR coders had already managed to implement a ‘credits system’ even before the launch of v2. According to site admins, there will soon be some new features in ScR v2 such as casinos that’ll tighten the integration the credits system.

SceneRace currently tracks close to 500 active torrents and has over 2700 members. This tracker was open for signup until today but with the launch of ScR v2 the open registration period has ended. All existing members have been given two invites each – it should not be hard to find an invite even if the registrations are closed.

Site Name: SceneRace (

Signup URL: (Open only with invite)


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