How to get a free invite to ThePlace.BZ lifestyle tracker

Out of the several thousands private BitTorrent trackers out there, very few specialize in niches such as lifestyle content. The is one such private tracker. From Food, Drinking and Cooking to Magic Illusions, this tracker has a wide array of content including videos, e-books and audio files related to day to day human life. The site has been closed for a while now but that does not mean you cannot get in. In fact, you can get invited for free via their IRC invites system.

the place

How to get invited to

  1. You need to get an IRC client installed. If you don’t already have one installed, we recommend you install mIRC. mIRC download links and a brief tutorial can be found here.
  2. Once IRC client is set up, change you nickname to whatever nickname you want to have on ThePlace tracker (in mIRC, nickname can be changed in Tools—>Options menu.
  3. Join ThePlace.BZ invites channel. This is located on IRC server and the channel name is #invites. If you are using mIRC click on this direct link irc:// to visit the channel. 
  4. Don’ PM anyone just yet. First read ThePlace FAQ and Rules.
  5. Now visit Read the background section carefully and answer the questions as instructed. Note that you need to answer each and every one of these (Write the answers in a text editor such as Notepad). 
  6. Once done answering, head back to the IRC room and paste your answers along with the question number in the main channel (don’t PM). Wait for someone to respond – do not leave the channel till you have got confirmation on your new ThePlace account.

Good Luck!

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How to keep SCL invites beyond the allowed time period

As you may already be aware, ScL tracker usually removes invites after a certain time period. For example during their 2nd phase of expansion, every user on the tracker were given 3 invites each. These had to be used within 10 days and if unused during this time, the invites were removed from the user’s account. Did you know that there is a simple method that allows you to retain invites even after the allowed time period?

scl logo   

From what I've seen, this seems to be a popular hack among ScL members.

  1. Visit your invites page (invite.php) and create invitation codes from all available invites.
  2. Do not give away the codes just yet (that is, if you want to retain the invites). Wait for the automatic invite removal deadline to pass.
  3. Wait 24-36 hours after the deadline is passed and visit your invite.php page again.
  4. Now revert all invitation codes you generated at step 1 back into invites. 

I could not find a tracker rule (on faq.php, rules.php or on forum) that prohibits the use of this method. The staff may or may not be aware of its existence - proceed at your own risk.

How to unlock preorder bonus content in Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 (wargear, paints and maps)

It’s been about two weeks since Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 was released. W40K : DoW2 had multiple ‘editions’ released to the public. For example gamers who pre-ordered the game from services such as Gamestop, EBgames, Amazon, Direct2Drive, HMV, etc could unlock several bonus special features such as extra chapters, extra maps, unique items and extra colors (paints). Did you know that even those who did not pre-order the game could unlock these options on the regular version of the game?

I found this while surfing CS.RIN.RU - a famous Steam underground community from where one of the first working Steam hacks for FEAR2 originated. There is a thread on CS.RIN.RU’s English forums which describes in detail how you can unlock bonus content in Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2. This thread also includes download links for all required files.

  1. Create an account on CS.RIN.RU English forums. Registration URL:
  2. Login with the newly created account.
  3. Visit this thread and follow all the instructions carefully. There are 2-3 pages of user comments which I strongly recommend you read before applying the hack. 

Note: Some (not all) users have had problems running this on Windows XP. I tried it on Vista 32-bit and it worked just fine. Read the user comments on the thread if you encounter problems. Chances are that your question has already been answered.

What additional content is in Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 pre-order, bonus, promotional editions?

This is actually not an easy question to answer since there are several different versions of the game each with different features. From what we heard, the total promotional content included is as follows:

  • 23 Unique Items
  • 7 Space Marines Chapters
  • 28 Extra Colors
  • 1 Extra Multiplayer Map

I don’t know for sure which of these features the hack above unlocks. It may unlock all or it may unlock only some of these – either way it works and is actually pretty cool.

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RoDVD (Restricted-Zone) – DVDR & x264 Movie Torrent Tracker Signups Open

If you love untouched DVDR releases instead of DVD Rips, here is some good news. RoDVD (aka Restricted-Zone), a private torrent tracker specializing in DVDR releases, is currently open for signup. Almost all the releases in RoDVD are DVD5/DVD9 movies which come complete with original DVD menus, subtitles and other extras. Both scene releases as well as RoDVD’s own uploads are indexed on this site.

RODVD logo

As you may have already figured out, RoDVD is a Romanian tracker. But that does not necessarily mean all movies indexed on this tracker are in Romanian language. In fact, most of them have English audio. The language tag on torrent title (Ex- Passengers.2008.LiMiTED.PAL.ROMANiAN.DVDR-PRaF) usually specifies language of subtitles available on the DVDR. To view the actual audio language, go to the torrent description and look under ‘Audio’ or ‘Language’ sections.

rodvd torrets

RoDVD indexes both scene releases as well as p2p releases. Indexed P2P releases seem to be unique to this tracker (they have ‘RoDVD’ tag instead of release group name). As of 28/2/2009, RoDVD tracks close to 1000 torrents. Another positive aspect of this tracker is it’s layout – RoDVD has a unique, nice looking layout.

RoDVD is not usually open for free signups -  most of the time it requires an SMS code to register. However, at the time of this post signups are open - you can register an account for free.

Site Name: RoDVD (

Signup URL:


  • DVD Movie (DVD5)
  • DVD Anime (DVD5)
  • DVD Music (DVD5)
  • DVD-Movie (DVD9)
  • DVD Anime (DVD9)
  • DVD Music (DVD9)
  • x264 Movie (DVD5)
  • x264 Movie (DVD9)
  • x264 Anime (DVD5)

Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 v1.0/1.1.1 Trainer and Language Changer

I know a lot of you guys are looking for a proper trainer for Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 but for the moment, you’ll have to be satisfied with +1 trainer (promotional). CheatHappens has released one with several cool options but as usual you need to have a paid account to download this. We’ll update this article if a leaked version of CH trainer appears. Till then download the promo trainer and also the Language Changer for those who are having language problems with the game.


As mentioned above currently only the promotional trainer is available for download. This has only on working option - ‘add experience’. The full version will feature several other options such as Unlimited Requisition, Power, Faction Resource, Troops, Restore Unit Power, Mega Unit, Weak Unit, Mega Structure, Weak Structure, etc. If this leaks on torrent trackers, we’ll post a link here.

[Click Here] to download Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 Promotional Trainer for v1.0 (MegaShare)

[Click Here] to download Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 Promotional Trainer for v1.1 (MegaShare)

Language Changer

If you are having language problems with the game and do not want to follow the manual method mentioned in this article to solve them, use the language changer – an automated utility that’ll allow you to change DoW2 language in a few clicks.

[Click Here] to download Dawn of War 2 Language Changer from MegaShare

Note: Follow the instructions in NFO. Works with ViTALiTY and rForce releases.

Torrent-Racers (#TRACERS) – Check which private tracker has the best pre times

When it comes to private torrent trackers, most people use ‘pre times’ as a measure of the site’s quality. Did you know that there are several IRC channels that are dedicated to ‘measuring’ the pre times of various general/0day trackers? These are called ‘Tracer’ channels. Tracers record pre times of individual torrent releases (each release is a ‘race’) on various trackers and the site that has best pre time is considered to be the winner of a race. This article is about #Tracers channel on, one of the most popular and easily accessible channels of this type that are currently around.

What’s ‘pre time’ ?

Before we move on, let’s first clarify what’s meant by the term ‘pre time’. ‘Pre time’ is basically the time it takes for a torrent tracker to upload a particular scene release once it’s been pre’d (released) on topsites. In general, trackers with shorter pre times are considered better since they allow faster access to scene releases.

What’s #Tracers and

The IRC channel we are talking about is #Tracers on IRC server The main channel (#Tracers) monitors and notifies on race wins and new torrent releases. In addition, there is another channel which allows users to post queries and check statistics of listed private trackers. The following user commands are available in the channel (commands list can be accessed by typing the command !trhelp):

  1. !sitelist - Lists all sites with info added, regardless of whether or not they have any race wins.
  2. !sites [-spam] - Returns all sites tracked by P2P-NET Tracers and their all-time standings. If the "-spam" tag is added, it will also include spam wins.
  3. !db [-spam] - Returns various information about the Tracers database. If the "-spam" tag is added, it will also include spam races.
  4. !siteinfo - Returns various information about the specified site.
  5. !search - Returns who won the race to upload the specified release, and all other sites with it currently uploaded as well.
  6. !daystats [-spam] - Returns all race statistics for the last 24 hours. If the "-spam" tag is added, statistics will also include wins from spam categories.
  7. !weekstats [-spam] - Returns all race statistics for the last 7 days. If the "-spam" tag is added, statistics will also include wins from spam categories.
  8. !monthstats [-spam] - Returns all race statistics for the last 30 days. If the "-spam" tag is added, statistics will also include wins from spam categories.
  9. !yearstats [-spam] - Returns all race statistics for the last year. If the "-spam" tag is added, statistics will also include wins from spam categories.
  10. !last10 [] [-spam]- Returns the last 10 wins recorded. If you add the , then it will return the last 10 uploads from the specified site. If the "-spam" tag is added, it will also return spam uploads.

For example if you type !siteinfo SCC into mIRC (or any other IRC client) while being logged into, you’ll get details about SceneAccess.

A great thing about #Tracers is that it does not ‘forget’ any race wins. All wins by a tracker are recorded and become visible to users. Typing the command !sites on will give you a list of traced sites sorted by the number of their overall race wins.

What private trackers are monitored (or traced)?

#Tracers channel currently monitors over 30 private torrent trackers. Here is a table featuring the list of private trackers traced, number of overall race wins and the open signup status of each site.

#Tracers Name Tracker Name Overall Wins Signup Status
SCC SceneAccess 4845  
ScT SceneTorrents 2217  
GFT GForces Tracker 1416  
HT HeavenTracker 856  
TL TorrentLeech 648  
SiT SeediT 553 Open
RBy RandomBytes 482 Open
THS TopHos 423  
ThB ThorBits 331 Open
TCS The Candy Store 170 Open
TGB TGBTD 159 Open
NT Nordic-T 123 Open
TPB The Pirate Bay 123 Open/Public
ScL Withheld 91  
ACE Ace Torrents 76 Open
CT ChronicTracker 67  
TD Torrent-Damage 66  
PTM PreToME 65 Free reg. key
BTv 58  
AL Acid 39  
TC Tehconnection 36 Open
TV Torrent Vault 23  
A4N All4Nothin 22 Open
DH DigitalHive 13  
TBy TorrentBytes 12 Open
RTT RevolutionTT 9  
ST SuperTorrents 7  
FTS FreeTheScene 6 Open
PT PolishTracker 5  
ScR SceneRace 4  
TiT TorrenTiT 4  
EZTV EZTV 2 Open/Public
BH BladesHeaven 1 Open


  • Some trackers are newly launched or newly added to the Tracers list. It may be unfair to compare overall statistics of new entrants with of those added earlier.
  • Not all general/0Day trackers taht are currently online are monitored by #Tracers
  • Even if a site beats another by a short margin such as 1 second, it’s still counted as a race win. You’ll find that the pre time difference between most trackers is actually a few minutes (or in some cases few seconds). 
  • All statistics above are as of 27/2/2009

How do i access the channels?

All of these are public channels. No invitation/registration is required.

#Tracers channel: irc://  or #Tracers on server

#TR.Chat channel: irc:// or on server 

Tutorial: Click here for a tutorial on how to join IRC channels using mIRC. Includes download links for required software.

Scene Notice – Read inside information on the warez scene

By now you probably know that majority of the pirated material (movies, music, games, e-books and everything else) in the world originate from ‘the scene’. ‘The Scene’ comprises of many release groups (RELOADED, PUKKA, DiAMOND, RAZOR1911, etc) whose members are scattered across the globe. Since ‘The Scene’ is an underground community, scene groups do not normally use conventional means to communicate with each other. This is where ‘Scene Notices’ come in.


‘Scene notices’ are public (public to scene members that is) messages similar to .NFOs that scene members use to brag, flame, regroup, coordinate activities and make announcements regarding the warez scene. These are usually posted on scene topsites, sometimes as directories. Memorable (and quite hilarious) Scene Notices I’ve read in the recent past include the one that started all the rumors about ‘PEG Tracker"’ as well as another that exposed the staff at ScT. Another Scene Notice that’s quite unforgettable is


which was posted when Operation Site Down hit the core of the scene back in 2005. Nowadays an increasing number of SceneNotices are targeted at exposing members who leak scene releases to private torrent trackers (remember- sceners hate p2p). 

As you can see it’s all very interesting. But how can you read these if you are not a scene member? This is where comes in. It’s a public site that indexes and archives selected SceneNotices posted on topsites, IRCs, etc.

scene notices 

The site currently has an archive of over 600 SceneNotices. A search feature as well as an RSS feed is also present. When viewing posts at, you may need to zoom in using your browser as the default font used is a little too small. Note that this site does not index each and every Scene Notice – only a selected few are posted. It’s still is a good read and if you are interested go and have a look.

Site Name: SceneNotice (

Registration URL: (Registration is optional – even unregistered users are able to read posts.)

P.S. – PEG Tracker is FAKE. Don’t waste your time chasing it lol.

PM Torrents – TV, movie & other video downloads for iPHONE, iPOD, ZUNE, PDA

Portable Media Torrents (or PMTorrents) is a private torrent tracker that specializes in applications, games and video (movies and TV shows) for mobile devices. If you are the owner of a portable device such as Zune, iPod/iPod touch, PSP or a PDA, chances are that you’ll find some useful downloads on PMTorrents. This is a relatively new tracker that started out a few months ago but it has already acquired a reasonable userbase of several thousand members.

portable media torrents

As of 26/2/2009, PMTorrents has an active user base of 5250+ members and tracks close to 500 torrents. Apart from few applications and games for various mobile devices, PMTorrents has a good collection of movies and TV episodes. All video files on this tracker are mobile optimized – they’ve been re-encoded to better support playback on portable devices (most of the movies, TV shows and documentaries are in MP4 format). I was able to find re-encoded versions of even some of the newest movie releases.

pmtorrents screenshot

Note that even though PMTorrents have their own BitTorrent tracker, some of the indexed torrents are tracked by a (public?) tracker run by RARBG. These seem to be the same torrents that are indexed on PODTROPOLIS and such releases usually have hundreds of seeders/leechers.

Currently the site is open for public signups. If you own a mobile device and are looking for mobile optimizes videos, PMTorrents is a good place to start your search.

Site Name: Portable Media Torrents (

Signup URL:

Other trackers similar to PMTorrents that are currently open:

ViTALiTY cracks Silent Hill : Homecoming (PC) Steam protection

Scene group ViTALiTY (VTY) seems to have found a new method of pwning Valve’s Steam protection. Silent Hill Homecoming (aka Silent Hill 5) is the second Steam protected title the group has released in the past 7 days, the first one being Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2. It’s not the first time a PC game released exclusively via Steam has leaked but what’s interesting about ViTALiTY’s version is that it does not contain hacked Steam clients, custom installers, configuration file editing or anything of that sort.

silent hill comecoming

The following is quoted from the ViTALiTY NFO:

This game is steam and we did not have to use a third party installer, because we aint stupid!

Btw did anyone notice that the instructions on ViTALiTY NFO always ends with an offensive line such as ‘rot in hell’, ‘rest in pieces’ or ‘die like the rest’? VTY has always been known as an aggressive group even in their early days when they initiated nukewars with other competing scene groups (specially with RELOADED whose working releases were PROPERED by VTY for using emulation).

Silent Hill : Homecoming was released back in November 2008 in North America. A working steam rip (P2P source) of the game leaked on BitTorrent networks about a week after the game’s NA release.

Pirates crack Drakensang: The Dark Eye DRM

Drakensang : The Dark Eye is an RPG game by developed by Germa developer Radon Labs. Localized versions of Drakensang were released back in August, 2008 and the international version was released about two days ago on the 24th of February. Just two days after INT release Razor1911, a veteran group from the warez scene, claims to have cracked the game’s Digital Rights Management (DRM) system.

Drakensang The Dark Eye

Drakensang : The Dark Eye is (or ‘was’) protected by Sony’s SecuROM v7 DRM system. Razor1911 are not exactly new to cracking this type of protection – earlier this year they cracked SecuROM in LOTR: Conquest and have cracked numerous other titles throughout 2008 as well. Razor1911’s release includes a full DVD ISO of the game as well as a cracked exe with SecuROM protection stripped from it. Cracked version of the game has now spread to private and public torrent trackers, one click hosting sites such as RapidShare, public FTP sites, etc.

Speaking of the game, I’ve read several positive user opinions about Drakensang : The Dark Eye on various gaming forums. IGN review has also given it a respectable overall score of 7.6. Although not hugely popular, this looks like a game worth playing.

Cinemageddon increases user limit - Cult movie torrent tracker

Cinemageddon (CG) is a well known private torrent tracker that specializes in B-movies, horror flicks and other rare/cult movies. You may have spotted Cinemageddon listed on various open signup checker sites and open signup threads quite frequently. However, signups for this tracker usually close within minutes as only 2-3 spots become available at a time (due to automatic account deletion). This time around open signups will be a little more permanent– CG has increased the user limit by 1000 members.


When it comes to cult movie trackers, CG is probably the largest and the most content rich tracker currently online. It has close to 25000 torrents and around 20000 active members. It’s content mostly comprise of B-Movies, horror movies, kung-fu and martial arts related flicks, older comedy movies such as the ‘Carry on’ series, etc. Video and audio quality of films on CG are generally good – these range from VHSRip, TVRip, DVDRip to untouched DVD-R. In addition to the movie torrents Cinemageddon tracks around 1500 OSTs (official soundtracks) as well. Most of the content on this tracker are older, rare and rather unknown stuff you’ll probably never find on any other torrent site.

cinemageddon packs

A noticeable feature of Cinemageddon is the credits system – something similar to the seed bonus system present on many trackers. You can earn credits by seeding (selected torrents), filling/making requests, buying lottery tickets, playing roulette, etc. You can then buy upload GB by spending earned credits (ex- 25GB upload for 200 credits). CG also has a system called ‘featured torrents’ – if a spinning gold coin is displayed next to the title of a torrent, 50% download reduction as well as seeding bonus applies to that.

As mentioned in the title of the article CG has increased user limit from 20000 to 21000. There are around 800 more spots available. If you are a fan of cult movies, go get an account now.

Site Name: Cinemageddon (

Signup URL:


  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Documentary
  • Exploitation
  • Family
  • Gore
  • Hidden Gems
  • Horror
  • Martial Arts
  • OST
  • Other
  • Sci-Fi
  • Thriller
  • Western
  • XXX

Other info: CG has an active invites request/giveaway thread (for other private trackers) in its forums. This thread is only visible to ‘power user’ class and upwards.

Other trackers like Cinemageddon that are currently open:

Yahoo! Messenger - Offline, Standalone Installer Download

Yahoo released yet another new build of its popular IM client about a day ago. Yahoo! Messenger build is currently the latest build available as of today (25/2/09). As usual there is no changelog associated with the release and there is no way to know what changes are incorporated into this build. However upgrading to the most recent build is recommended due to security and reliability reasons.


We’ve included the link to offline/standalone/redistributable installer for Yahoo! Messenger as opposed to the web setup that can be found in the official page. All links point to files hosted in official Yahoo! servers. No 3rd part links have been included.

[Click Here] to download Yahoo Messenger Final Directly from official server – Huge Slovenian private torrent tracker open

Among the several hundred private torrent trackers posted on FILEnetworks Blog, there’s been several huge general trackers such as Zamunda, ArenaBG and Linkomanija which are managed by individuals from countries such as Bulgaria, Lithuania, etc. Although some of these trackers may not be popular globally, they’ve become huge hits in their home countries. A large number of users as well as huge torrent indexes are often found in these lesser-globally-known trackers. is another huge  BiTTorrent tracker, this time from Slovenia.


Don’t be mistaken when we say this tracker is Slovenian – it tracks plenty of English releases as well. As of 25/2/2009, Partis indexes 25000+ torrents and has over 208000 members (told you it was huge). Among the torrents tracked are English scene releases, English p2p releases (including lots of aXXo movie torrents) as well as Slovenian releases (dubbed, subbed or original content from Slovenia).

In addition to individual torrents, there are a lot of packs on Most of these however are not unique and seem to have been take from other trackers such as TL, TD, ScT and even TVT. packs

Note that even though this tracker has lots of English releases, the site interface is 100% Slovenian. If you have used another private tracker, it would be extremely easy to find your war around in – even if you did not know jackshit about Slovenian language. We’ve included a brief translation of the signup page below should you need more help.

Signups for this tracker are currently open. If you are interested, go ahead and signup.

Site Name: (

Signup URL:

Signup Page translation:

Slovenian English
Uporabniško ime Username
Elektronska pošta E-Mail
Geslo Password
Potrditev gesla Repeat password
Vnesite varnostno kodo Security code

For the torrent index, login and go to Torrent-->brskaj

RapidStack – Search for working and live RapidShare links in real time

Although BitTorrent has gained huge popularity as a medium for transferring large files, RapidShare is still one of the most widely used file hosting/transfer services in the world. One of the main problems with RapidShare is that it does not allow searching of its database. This has lead to the inception of many 3rd party search engines that hunt of RapidShare links scattered across the web. RapidStack is one such search engine but this one performs searches in real time.


The official description of RapidStack is as follows:

Rapidstack is a realtime Rapidshare link searcher. We send out little spiders to harvest all the best links, leaving the dead ones to rot in the abyss where they belong.

Real time searches retrieve the most current information and of course this leads to less number of dead or non working links.


Associated with each search result is an ‘Extract Links’ options. Clicking on this creates a new page which filters and lists only the RapidShare links found in the given web page – a pretty convenient feature especially on release blogs where you usually have to browse through several hundred comments to see a post with RapidShare download links.

[Click Here] to visit Rapidstack

ViTALiTY leaks Tom Clancy’s Endwar – No DRM present, no crack needed

Scene group ViTALiTY, after cracking Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 a few days ago, are back with another major PC title. Tom Clancy’s Endwar is a real time strategy game which was initially released for the consoles back in 2008. Windows version of the game was scheduled to be released on the 24th of February and unsurprisingly, it has leaked on the very same day. What’s interesting about Endwar is that it does not contain any DRM or other form of copy protection mechanism.

tom clancy's endwar cover

ViTALiTY’s release includes a full DVD ISO image of the game. Unlike in most cases, a modified or cracked executable is not included. Pirates are simply able to mount the leaked image using a disk virtualization tool and play the game. Leaked ViTALiTY version has already spread onto several private torrent trackers:

#1 SCC (15m 4s ap)
#2 ScT (16m 22s ap)
#3 RBy (16m 27s ap)

As usual, this is expected to spread to public BitTorrent sites, one click hosting sites, public FTP sites and so on.

This is the second time in the last few months UBISOFT have released a well known PC title without DRM. Back in December 2008 they released Prince of Persia for the PC which did not include any anti piracy measure as well. It’s always good to see developers not resorting to invasive digital rights management software such as SecuROM. Buy the game if you can.

Ratio free private torrent trackers open for signup (21/2/2009)

There was once a time when ratio free private trackers were a rarity in the BitTorrent scene. Even the few that existed were pretty hard to get into. The times have changed – there are plenty of ratio free trackers out there and it’s extremely easy to become a member of some of them. This post lists 8 such trackers that are currently open for public signups. Most of the sites mentioned have been reviewed before on FILEnetworks Blog and the links to full review have also been included.

Although the title of the article says ‘ratio free’ trackers, we’ve included two sites that do have a ratio system; ArenaBG and RARBG. Although there is a ratio system present on these sites, they do not enforce any mandatory ratio rules or requirements.  Most of the trackers listed do not require users to maintain a global upload:download ratio. However be aware that you may need to seed a torrent for a minimum time period – always check the rules and FAQ pages of a tracker. Keep in mind that ‘ratio free’ is not your ticket to do hit and runs at will.

Site Name: Seedit (
Signup URL:
Stats: ~3250 torrents
Description: Seedit is a Swedish private tracker (General/0-Day content, lots of scene releases) with a unique layout. Pre times are generally good. Our previous article which contains more information about this tracker can be found here.

Site Name: SceneRTorrents (
Signup URL:
Stats: ~3000 users and ~250 torrents (recovering from a server crash)
Description: SceneRTorrents is a new ratio free general tracker with lots of packs. For full review including screenshots and other details, refer to this article.

Site Name: ARENABG (
Signup URL:
Stats: 22000+ torrents and possibly over 200000 members
Description: ARENABG is a huge Bulgarian tracker with lots of English releases. The site has a ratio system but no mandatory ratio rules are enforced. Download speeds are somewhat slower. ArenaBG recently upgraded their layout and the interface is now much more user friendly. More information on this site can be found here.

Site Name: RARBG (
Signup URL:
Stats: 46000+ torrents and possibly over 200000 members
Description: Similar to ArenaBG, RARBG does not enforce any mandatory ratio rules on its users. For more related articles on this site, look here.

Site Name: Dreamzonept (
Signup URL:
Stats: 2300+ users and ~1500 torrents
Description: Dreamzonept is a new ratio free general tracker. More information can be found here.

Site Name: MVGroup (
Signup URL:
Stats: 96000+ members
Description: MVGroup is a forum dedicated for documentaries and e-learning content. They operate their own tracker but have no ratio rules. More information can be found here.

Site Name: Pretome (
Signup URL: Signups closed. Use key from this article.
Stats: 24000+ users and 15750+ torrents
Description: PTM is a good and well established General/0day tracker that has no global ratio. More information about this tracker can be found here.

Z-Cult FM
Site Name:
Signup URL:
Stats: 84000+ users
Description: Not sure about this but there is nothing mentioned about a ratio on this site. Zcult is a comics torrent tracker and a forum. For more information about this site and a guide on how to download torrents, refer to this article.

Also watch out for the open signups of CoExist, a ratio free music tracker.

Note that there are many other ratio free trackers such as GFT, PTN, FTN, BR, iFi, etc that are not mentioned here. This article only lists trackers that are currently open for signup.

Record MP3 and OGG Vorbis audio streams to hard disk using StreamRipper 1.64.4

Streamripper is a popular application that’s widely used for recording streaming MP3 and Vorbis (.OGG files) audio to hard disk. There are two versions of this application – one is the standalone software and the other is a plugin for Winamp. Featured in this article is the standalone edition. On the 17th of February 2009, final build of Streamripper 1.64.4 was released - direct download link for this version can be found at the end of this article.

streamripper logo

One of the specialties of Streamripper is that it’s able to detect separate audio tracks in a MP3 or OGG Vorbis stream. That is, the program is capable of finding where one track ends and another one begins, automatically. This is done by scanning for silent marks in the audio stream. It’s a pretty useful app that’s been around for nearly 9 years – check it out.


[Click Here] to download StreamRipper 1.64.4 for Windows from SourceForge (Direct Download)

[Click Here] to visit the SourceForge download page for older builds and non Windows versions of StreamRipper

RandomBytes – General tracker with good pre times

RandomBytes (Rby) is a private torrent tracker which tracks a lot of releases from the warez scene. Unlike specialized trackers it does not focus on a specific category of torrents. RandomBytes has average download speeds and good pre times. It has also acquired a reasonable user base and  looks like a good tracker to start with for new entrants to the BitTorrent scene (that’s not saying it’s a no-no for hard core users).


As I mentioned earlier, one of the positives about RBy is its pre times. Although elites such as SCC and ScT beat RBy hands down, it has better pre times than most general trackers out there. RBy has won 350+ ‘pre time races’ on #Tracers channel (await a separate article on this) and is placed at the 8th position out of 30+ trackers. As of 23/2/2009, RBy tracks 3200+ torrents and has a user base of 3700+ members. 

The content on RBy are mostly scene releases. There are not many packs to speak of here.

RBY screen

RandomBytes has a seed bonus system – when you seed torrents for extended time periods, bonus points are added. These can later be used to purchase upload credit to give your global ratio a boost.

RBy registrations are currently open. All new members start up with 2.5GB free upload credit. If you are interested, check it out.

Site Name: RandomBytes (

Signup URL:

SMS Updates: No. RBy RSS feed is incompatible with TwitterFeed. (What are SMS Updates?)

Windows Live Writer, Mail, Photo Gallery - Standalone, Offline installer (14.0.8064.0296)

FILEnetworks Blog has been regularly posting offline/standalone installers for several leading software which are usually distributed using web based installers (aka web setups). Some users including those with limited or unstable internet connectivity, those with multiple computers, those who prefer redistributable installers, etc usually find web setups a pain in the ass. So here is the offline, standalone, redistributable installer for Windows Live Essentials v14.0.8064.0296 (Build 8064).

windows live

Included Live Apps

  • Windows Live Messenger 14.0.8064.0296 
  • Windows Live Mail 14.0.8064.0296
  • Windows Live Photo Gallery 14.0.8064.0296
  • Windows Live Writer 14.0.8064.0296
  • Windows Live Toolbar
  • Windows Live Family Safety
  • Windows Live Movie Maker


All download links are from official Microsoft servers and support download managers. No 3rd party links have been included. Download size is 134MB.

[Click Here] to download Windows Live Essentials 14.0.8064.0296 (Build 8064) – Direct Download

Looking for the web setup? Try the Live download page.

Related Articles

Pretome Registration Key – March 2009

It’s been only one day since our last Pretome (PTM) Registration key expired and we have already got several E-mails requesting a new key. So here goes – another FILEnetworks exclusive Pretome registration key valid for another month. Since this is provided to us by PTM admins themselves, there is no need to worry about signing up with a blacklisted or traded key. Additionally, this registration key has no user limit.


More information about the Pretome tracker and screenshots can be found in our previous article located here. Something we’ve so far failed to mention about PTM is that it’s technically a ratio free tracker. That is, there is no global download:upload ratio on the site. You however do need to seed each downloaded torrent for 60 hours or to a ratio of 0.75 (only one of these requirements has to be met, not both).

Site Name: Pretome (
Stats as of 22/02/09: 15700+ torrents and 24400+ users
Registration Key: 1f01845ac1777a432ff4197eeafd0812
Signup URL with Key:
Validity Period : 21 February 2009 – 21 March 2009
IRC Channel: irc://

Special thanks to Floxxx (PTM Owner) for providing FILEnetworks Blog with yet another exclusive PTM key.

Keep reading our private trackers section and the giveaways section for latest private tracker news and free invite giveaways!

FEAR 2 : Project Origin working trainer by BReWErS (10 options) - Download

Some good news for those who had problems with the previous F.E.A.R. 2 : Project Origin trainers. Scene group BReWErS just released a PLUS 10 trainer (10 options – save anywhere, unlimited ammo, unlimited health, unlimited armor, etc). I tested this with my FEAR2 installation (DIE release) and it seemed to work just fine. When it comes to game trainers, BReWErS is one of the best groups so there is nothing strange there.


How to run the Trainer and What it does

Launch the trainer (bws-f2po.exe) before you launch the game. Keep it running in the background and press one of the following keys while in game to activate the corresponding effect:

Hotkey Option
F1 Infinite ammo and grenades
F2 Grenade master
F3 Infinite health
F4 Unlimited stamina
F5 Super speed
F6 Super jump
F8 Infinite armor
F9 Instant slowmo power
F10 One hit kill
NUMPAD 1 Save position
NUMPAD 2 Restore position

Trouble getting the Trainer to run in Windows Vista?

If you are running Windows Vista, please make sure to run the
trainer in administrator mode. Right click the trainer - Properties
- Compatibility and choose to run it as administrator.


Links Removed

Some AntiVirus scanners may identify the trainer as a virus - this is most likely a false positive. If you downloaded the trainer from the link provided by us (above), we guarantee that it’s virus free.

CoExist tracker re-launches on TBDEV

You probably already know about (CE), a ratio free private music torrent tracker which was initially based on the Gazelle codebase. It looks as if CE has downgraded from the Gazelle to TBDEV script - the migration seems to have reset the torrent index as well as the user database. Although the site is open for signup and anyone is able to create an account, the new incarnation of CE is not complete yet. It’s just been launched and lots of things are still being worked on by its coders.

coexist logo

This is what ragincajun (CE Admin) wrote on TPS forums:

Ok guys, the site is not "open" for signups right now. We just got tbdev up on the server yesterday, so all it is right now is a skeleton of a tracker. If you feel that you must sign up right now go ahead, but I wouldn't advise it.

Now this should clear any doubts you had about whether or not CE was going to have open signups.  There is an additional note placed on the site’s homepage:

2009-02-21 - Do not be discouraged!! This is not what CE will look like in the very near future. Welcome back members and viva la coexist!! /s ragincajun77

As the notes say, CE has just migrated to the TBDEV script – the move is far from complete and there will be lots of features added in the coming days. Keep reading FILEnetworks Blog for more updates on this tracker. Full tracker review will be posted once the site is fully operational.

Site Name: CoExist (

Signup URL: (Confirmation mail may go to spam folder in Gmail)

ScenePirates, FreeTheScene, GBVNET & S.I.T.R. open for signup - 21/2/2009

Here is a short open signup update after a while. Three private torrent trackers, ScenePirates, FreeTheScene (FTS), GBVNET and SITR (SmokingInTheRain) are all open for signup at time of writing. All of these are general trackers which track movies, music, games, E-books, zero day software releases and more. Out of these sites, FreeTheScene (FTS) runs on the Gazelle codebase.

All of the trackers mentioned here have previously been reviewed in detail here on FILEnetworks Blog, – a link to full review can be found in the description filed of each tracker. Stats on the the number of torrents and the number of users on each tracker are updated on this article.

Site Name: GBvNET Torrents (
Signup URL:
Stats: 4700+ torrents and 7000+ users
Description: GBVNET is a Romanian private tracker with lots and lots of English releases. It’s an underrated tracker which has close to 1000 unique torrents including packs. Full tracker review with screenshots and category details can be found here.

Free The Scene (FTS)
free the scene 
Site Name: Free.The.Scene (
Signup URL:
Stats: ~2000 torrents and 4300+ torrents
Description: FTS is a general tracker that recently migrated to Gazelle codebase. Full review including screenshots can be found here.

Smoking In The Rain (S.I.T.R.)
Site Name: SmokingInTheRain (
Signup URL:
Stats: 5500+ members and 3300+ torrents
Description: SITR is one of the older private trackers which has a good community. Full review with screens can be found here.

Site Name: ScenePirates (
Signup URL:
Stats: Unknown number of users and ~2000 torrents
Description: ScenePirates is a general tracker with a decent collection of scene and non scene torrents. More details can be found in this article.

How to get free SMS updates on new torrent releases (Movies, Games, TV & More)

RSS and E-Mail updates on new torrent releases are now being provided by most private and public BitTorrent trackers out there. But have you ever heard about SMS updates on new torrent releases? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could get notified via SMS when RELOADED releases the latest PC game, or when group mVs leaks a DVD Screener of a highly anticipated movie? Well, it’s possible and we are going to tell you how.

This is made possible by combining several free services such as Twitter, TwitterFeed and Twe2. All you need to get SMS updates is a Twitter account, a TwitterFeed account, and a phone connected to a mobile network compatible with Twe2 service. 

SMS Torrrent Updates FILEnetworks
This is how it works

We’ve provided step by step instructions below to setup SMS updates on new torrent releases. Although it may seem a lengthy process, it’s actually very simple. Check it out.

Creating a new Twitter account

First, you need to create a new Twitter account. Twitter account will be used to relay the torrent release updates via SMS. When signing up for a new account, It is important that you choose a unique text string as the username. This text should not already be present anywhere in the Twitter database. SMS updates will be based on a search for your Twitter username – if you choose a common name, you will get SMS updates unrelated to torrent releases. To determine if your username is really unique, do a search for it on If the search returns no results, go ahead with the chosen name. If the search returns 1 or more results that means the string is common – choose another.

no results 

1. Go to and create a new account. Remember the username and password of this account – you will need them later.

TwitterFeed Configuration

Now, you have to integrate the RSS feed from the private/public BitTorrent tracker into the Twitter account. This can easily be done using TwitterFeed.

2. Visit and create a new account. Login using the newly created TwitterFeed account and click on ‘go to my twitter feeds (or create a new one)’.

3. Click on create new feed. You will be asked to fill a form.

4. In ‘username’ and ‘password’ fields, type the same username and password used for the Twitter account you created at step 1. Paste a compatible RSS feed from private tracker into the ‘RSS feed’ field. Note: For more help on finding a compatible RSS feed, see the ‘How to find a suitable RSS feed’ section below. Set the ‘Update Frequency’ to ‘Every 30 minutes’.

5. Now this is important – make sure you un-tick the ‘Include item link’ checkbox (See screenshot below). If you use the RSS feed of a private tracker, leaving this checkbox ticked will expose your passkey to the public - this could get you banned from the tracker.

6. Tick the ‘Active’ checkbox to activate the feed and press the update button.

twitterfeed config

Twe2 Configuration

As we mentioned in a previous article, Twe2 is a free service that delivers Twitter messages via SMS even to countries not supported by Twitter (for more information about this service and a list of supported countries, look here).

7. Visit and login to Twe2 using username and password of the Twitter account you created at step 1. 

8. If you have not confirmed your mobile number, you will be prompted to do so. Enter the confirmation SMS code you receive in your mobile to complete the process.

9. Now you need to setup Twe2 so that it’ll search for and send SMS updates about any new tweets from your Twitter account. This is very easy. Go to ‘Twe2 Alerts’ panel in your Twe2 account. In the text field next to ‘Add Search Term’ button, enter the username of your Twitter account you created at Step 1. Press the ‘Add Search Term’ button to add the entry.

twe2 configuration

10. That’s it.  You should start receiving SMS updates on your mobile soon. Just wait a few hours for the RSS feeds to be updated and Twe2 messages to be sent.

Additional information – Choosing an RSS feed

Most private and public BitTorrent trackers now provide RSS updates. On private trackers these can usually be found on the links.php page (ex- Some sites index these under rss.php page. On Gazelle based trackers and several other bittorrent sites, you can get the URL of RSS feed by simply logging onto the site and clicking on the orange RSS icon on the browser address bar.

Feeds compatible with TwitterFeed

Some of the private tracker RSS feeds are incompatible with TwitterFeed. If you try to use an incompatible feed, TwitterFeed will return the error message “We couldn't find valid date/time stamps or GUIDs on items. Please make sure your feed contains valid pubDate entries or GUIDs for each post.”. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be any workaround in such cases. Only option is to use the feed of another tracker. Here is a list of public and private site RSS feeds that we've found to be working with TwitterFeed.

Note that some trackers offer categorized RSS feeds. Subscribing to a categorized feed is usually better (some trackers allow you to combine updates from several categories into one RSS feed). Subscribing to the entire feed will send SMS updates for every torrent added to the tracker whether you like it or not. When you subscribe to categorized or custom feeds, make sure you choose the ‘no cookies’ version.

Known limitations of this method

  • Sometimes it may take around 1 hour since the release of a torrent for the SMS to arrive
  • A maximum of 10 SMS updates can be sent per hour

If you find any errors in the article, need more information or need help, feel free to drop a comment.