Tv.Torrents.Ro Back online, TorrentLeech invite channel open

Here is another update on private torrent trackers. As we revealed yesterday, the popular specialized TV torrents tracker TV.Torrents.Ro has returned (with open signups). It seems that they have changed their web host - hopefully there won’t be another downtime in the near future. In other news, TorrentLeech IRC invites channels is open and you can get a free invite if you sign up for a Travian games account using the link given in this channel.

1. TV.Torrents.Ro
Site Name: Tv.Torrents.Ro (
Signup URL:
Stats: ~7600 torrents and 19000+ members
Description and review: Tv.Torrents.Ro is a dedicated TV torrents tracker which has individual episodes and full season packs of a lot of US/Canadian television shows. For full tracker review with screenshots, refer to our previous article located here. Note that they have just returned and it may take a while for seeder/leecher activity to increase on new and old torrents. It looks like TVT.Ro is now hosted on MITNET.Ro, an ISP who has it’s own BitTorrent tracker MITTorrents.

2. TorrentLeech
Site Name: TorrentLeech (
Invites IRC Channel: irc://
Stats: ~17500+ torrents and possibly over 150000 members
Description: TorrentLeech is one of the best General/0Day private trackers currently around. Their invites channel has been opening occasionally in the last few days. Join the channel, read the topic, register for a free Travian Games account and PM your Travian account details to the person mentioned in the channel topic to get invited. More information on how to access the invites IRC channel and possible solutions to problems you may encounter can be found in this article. Remember to read the channel topic for the most current information.