POiNTX - New music torrent tracker

We haven't’ posted about a dedicated music torrent tracker in a while so here goes. POiNTX is a relatively new private tracker which tracks a lot of English music torrents. Music from a number of different genres such as Electronic, Trance, Reggae, Metal, etc can be found on this tracker. Apart from audio, POiNTX tracks several music videos in XViD and X264 formats as well.


Although this tracker has only been online for about 2 months, POiNTX has managed to add over 1300 torrents to its tracker. The user base has also grown beyond the 2350 mark during this period. Note that POiNTX is a Romania based tracker. However the content mostly comprises of English music torrents. There are both scene and non scene torrents indexed on POiNTX. At the time this post is being written, majority of these torrents are on free leech.

pointx screenshot 

A seed bonus system is present on this tracker. Like most start up trackers, POiNTX is plagued by the ‘low amount of seeders’ problem; Most of the less popular torrents are left with only 1 seeder. This will most likely be rectified as the tracker expands its user base and community.

Signups are currently open and each new user gets 2GB upload credit. Check it out.

Site Name: Point X (http://share.pointx.ro)

Signup URL: http://share.pointx.ro/signup.php