SceneFeed - Now a dedicated TV torrent tracker

For the short time it’s has been online, SceneFeed sure has undergone a lot of changes. SceneFeed started out as a General/0Day tracker which did not specialize in any niche category. It was then shut down by admins who wanted to pool more resources to TorrentVault, their sister site – SceneFeed however came back online after a short downtime. Now, SceneFeed is no longer a General tracker – it’s become a specialized TV torrent tracker which tracks season packs and episodes of popular US/Canadian TV shows.

scenefeed icon

There is a news post on SceneFeed about the change:

Okay guys, you might have noticed by now.. we've made some recent changes..
We've decided to go TV only, with a Movies Category for you movie buffs so you dont have to go looking elsewhere for movies..
Our main focus will be tv shows.. we'll add more categories as we see fit.. if you see we're missing a popular tvshow cat let us know, and get a image for it with the same dimensions as the ones we have here..
Hopefully this change doesnt effect you too much, and hope you keep enjoying the site and its improvements

SceneFeed became TV only on the 17th of January, 2009 and there are already close to 250 TV torrents indexed on the tracker. (stats as of 26/1/2009). Latest episodes of all major US shows seem to be available for download on SceneFeed.

category icons scenefeed
Screenshot: Some of SceneFeed’s category icons 

At the time this post is being written, SceneFeed is open for signup. Every new users gets 5GB upload credit free. Check it out.

Site Name: SceneFeed (

Signup URL:


  • Server:, Port: 7011 or +7022 if you wish to use SSL.
  • Channels:
    #SceneFeed - The main channel,
    #SFHelp - The Support Channel,
    #Pre - The PRE channel, available for everyone.
    #SceneFeed and #Pre channels are invite only. Follow the method in to get yourselves invited.

Speaking of TV trackers, popular site is set to make a comeback soon after a prolonged downtime. They seem to have changed their web host and are in the process of making final adjustments to the site before bringing it back online. More updates in this regard can be found on IRC channel irc:// (Thanks Zyn for the irc channel address). Also, thanks jupjup for the news on SceneFeed.