Lossless Legs – Torrent tracker with Bootleg recordings

Lossless Legs (shnflac.net), is a private torrent tracker with lots of bootleg audio and video recordings. Most of the audio recordings found on this tracker are encoded in lossless music formats such as SHN and FLAC and are of excellent quality. The collection of bootlegs on Lossless Legs range from audio and video recordings of shows staged in the 1960s to those staged in the late 1990s.

lossless legs tracker

Lossless Legs is a great place to discover uncommon audio and video recordings of popular artists and trade friendly bands. There are currently over 7400 users on this tracker and it tracks over 13000 torrents as of 10/1/2009.

Since lossless legs is a private tracker, public registrations are usually closed. However, the site is currently has open signups so those interested can get in for free. If you seek bootleg audio and video recordings, this is definitely a torrent tracker worth checking out.

Site Name: Lossless Legs (http://www.shnflac.net/)

Signup URL: http://www.shnflac.net/account.php

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