torrrentsRmine – TV show tracker signups open

Here is a new addition to our TV Trackers section after a while. torrentsRmine (TRM) is a private torrent tracker that specializes in TV serials and documentaries. TRM is a bit different from other TV Trackers such as BitMeTV and Tv.Torrents.Ro - the main focus is given to talk shows (Dr. Phil, Oprah, Ellen, etc) and documentaries (Discovery, Nat Geo, CNN, CNBC, etc) as opposed to drama series such as LOST or 24. Some of the shows on this tracker are actually not found on the top three TV trackers (, BMTV, TVT.Ro).


TRM is not exactly a brand new tracker – the site’s got over 1600 members and currently tracks 1000+ torrents. These stats however doesn't do justice to TRM – it’s a decent TV tracker with some rare shows and deserves more publicity.

TRM seems to index both scene and non scene releases. TV Shows are mostly in avi but .mpg and .wmv formats are also allowed on the tracker. In addition to the TV episodes, this TRM also tracks some TV movies such as those exclusively aired on Hallmark. Video quality was great in all of the torrents I downloaded from the tracker. See the screenshot below to get a better idea of what sort of content can be found on TRM:

torrentsrmine screenshot

If you are just joining this tracker, there is a post on homepage worth reading for all new members:

Word of advice.
Stay away from torrent packs that are over 1 GB. If you choose to download those, you are basically making that torrent your first and last one to download from here ever.
Why? You start off with a ratio of ONE (with no upload credit whatsoever), by the time you have completed a download of that torrent pack, your ratio would have fallen below 0.4, in which case, your only way out of this mess is to donate for gigs.
If you choose to do nothing, your account will be banned, and your IP range will be logged and banned.
It is THAT simple.

Public registrations for torrentsRmine is currently open. If you are interested, you can create an account for free.

Site Name: torrentsRmine ( )

Signup URL: