Docs.Torrents.Ro shuts down

Most of the time we bring you good news on the BitTorrent front such as the launch of new private trackers or about those with open signups. This time around the news we have is not so good. Docs.Torrents.Ro, one of the best E-Learning torrent trackers around with lots of content and a large following, has closed down – perhaps for ever. The reason for shut down according to site administrators was not legal pressure – no one was threatened with legal action nor were they raided.

So what really caused Docs to close down? As you might know this tracker never asked for donations from its members and nor was it ad supported - Docs was run purely as a hobby. The cause of shut down may be attributed to the site admin not having time or money to continue maintaining the tracker. Just before the site went down, it displayed the following message:

Dear members,
We are sorry to inform you that this tracker will close itself for an undetermined period of time starting from later today.
If you wanted to download something from this tracker, now is the time to do it without worrying about your ratio.
Regards, staff

Let's hope the shut down is temporary and Docs will return some day.