AvistaZ torrent tracker – Download Japanese, Chinese, Korean and other Asian movies

Great news if you are a fan of Asian movies – AvistaZ is having open signups once again. AvistaZ is a private BitTorrent tracker specializing in movies, music and TV Shows from Asian countries such as Korea, Hong Kong, China, Japan, India and Thailand. Majority of the content uploaded to this tracker comprise of movies – Lots of action movies, martial arts and kung–fu flicks are freely downloadable from AvistaZ. If you are not from an Asian country and wondering about language barriers, have no fear. Most movies on AvistaZ come with English subtitles.

avistaz tracker

AvistaZ is by no means a small private tracker – there are well over 100000 members (113800+ to be exact, as of 8/4/2009) and over 7500 active torrents. One of the best things about this site is that it has an excellent community. For example, there are AvistaZ members who themselves create English subtitles for rare (or less popular) movies and share them with other users.

Speaking of the content on this tracker, it’s primarily movies – lots and lots of movies from many different countries in the Asian region. Refer to the following screenshot to get a better idea on the content

avistaz screen

It’s worth mentioning that video and sound quality of all movies I’ve so far downloaded from AvistaZ have been perfect. There are lots of DVDRips with 700MB and 1.4GB sizes which are pretty small and easy to download (as opposed to Asian DVD Club – a similar tracker which has untouched DVD-R movies (Signups Open)).

There used to be a time AvistaZ continuously had open signups. However public registrations had been closed for the past two or so months due to server limitations. Good news is that they’ve opened signups again. If you were thinking of getting into this site, now is your chance.

Site Name: AvistaZ (http://bt.avistaz.com)

Signup URL: http://bt.avistaz.com/account.php