Scene group logos collection – Download over 1500 logo graphics

Releases groups from the warez scene are hugely popular among online pirates. These groups release high quality warez material at amazing speeds and are responsible for leaking majority of movies, music, games, E-books and other pirated material out there. Due to this very reason, release groups have attained celebrity status and are hero worshipped by even the average torrenters. Here is an article that will be useful for those who collect ‘souvenirs’ related to the warez scene.

scene group logos defacto2

Scene releases are often accompanied by NFOs or cracktros - groups usually make it a point to include their logo in such external files. This article features a massive downloadable collection of scene release group logos released at various points of time. There are over 1500 images included in the pack - most are in full color and some are in B/W.

Note that this Art Pack is brought to you by Defacto2 – a long running scene new portal. Following information is quoted from Defacto2 home page:

Today we have released a new file pack, the Group Logos Pack. This is a collection of over 1,560 scene group logos and art pieces that were once collected by Climbatiz. Climbatiz once ran a web site at which housed all these pieces but it has long since been abandoned. So the collection has been donated to us for hosting.

The pack is released under a Creative Commons (cc) Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike licence. The artworks within are still copyrighted by their respective artists.


The logo collection is roughly 57MB in size – the archive is freely downloadable from Defacto 2.

[Click Here] to download scene group logos pack from Defacto2