AnimaTooniC Tracker – Download Anime, Cartoon and Comic Torrents – Free Invites

AnimaTooniC (ATC) is a brand new private torrent tracker for anime, cartoons and comics. It’s only been ~2 weeks since their official launch and so far the site’s performance has been nothing short of impressive. Note that ATC runs on the lightning fast Gazelle codebase pioneered by crew. This is probably the first and only Gazelle tracker currently online that caters for  Anime/Cartoons/Comics niches. Public signups for AnimaTooniC are closed but that doesn’t mean interested readers cannot get in. We give away 75 free invites for this tracker plus an unlimited number of invites can be obtained from ATC IRC channel.


Ever since their launch, both the user base and torrent index of AnimaToonic has been growing at a rapid pace. As of 29/4/2009 ATC tracks 900+ torrents and has an active user base of over 600 members – pretty impressive stats for a two week old tracker that does not even have public signups.

As mentioned above ATC is a private tracker specializing in cartoons, comics and anime (no hentai or porn allowed). There are some pretty rare torrents online along with some great packs. The screenshot below captures some of the popular torrents on ATC:

Animatoonic screenshot

To get a better idea of the site’s content, refer to the categories section towards the end of this article. Oh and did we mention that the entire site is currently on free leech? All new members start with 2GB upload credit as well as 2 invites.

How to get a free invite to ATC

There are two ways you can obtain a free invite to ATC. The recommended method is via their official invites channel. Here is a step by step guide on how to do this:

  1. Take a speedtest from and have the direct link ready.
  2. Make a screenshot of your ratio on any other site and upload it to a image hosting services such as tinypic.
  3. Connect to the ATC invites IRC channel.
    Channel: #animatoonic-invites
    Direct Link: irc://
    If you are an IRC noob, we suggest you read this article.
  4. Wait patiently and see if somebody would be kind enough to invite you. Do not PM the channel OPs and piss them off. You will be voiced when they are ready for you.

In addition, Animatoonic admins have been kind enough to give us 75 free invites to give away to FILEnetworks Blog readers. To obtain one follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new email message with the subject Animatoonic. In the body of the message clearly specify the E-mail address you want the invite sent to. Do not use hotmail as there are known issues with the service – invites will not be sent to Hotmail addresses (Gmail works fine).
  2. Send the email to filenetworks[at]gmail[dot]com
  3. Drawback of this method is that it may take us some time to manually send you the E-mail (maybe even 2-3 days). Plus the number of invites we have is limited to 75 while there is an unlimited supply available on IRC.

Please use only one of the methods specified above to request your free ATC invite (either the IRC method or E-mail but not both). Creating multiple accounts will get you banned from the tracker. Do not request invites if you have no plans of actually using the site. And as always, read and respects the rules on ATC. Good Luck!

Site Name: AnimaTooniC (


  • Anime/Movies
  • Anime/Packs
  • Anime/Series
  • Cartoon/Movies
  • Cartoon/Packs
  • Cartoon/Series
  • Comics
  • Manga
  • Music
  • Music/Packs
  • Stop/Clay Motion
  • CG
  • Live Action/Movies