SceneAccess (SCC) is down - temporarily

UPDATE: SCC now seems to be fully functional again. There does not seem to be any data loss.
Private torrent tracker SCC has now been down for around 2 days. Although we say the site is ‘down’, it’s technically not offline – SCC seems to be having database problems which prevents users from logging in. Initially the site displayed MySQL error messages and returned invalid username/password errors even for legit accounts. Now it simply says “The service is not available. Please try again later.” when trying to access the site or “An internal server error occurred” whenever a user tries to log in.


Apparently SCC staff are aware of the problem and are doing their best to rectify it ASAP. A global message sent on the SCC IRC irc:// (Invite Only) is quoted below:

We are currently experiencing issues with the site, and no users are able to login. When the issue is fixed another global message will be sent out indicating such. For now, please be patient as the issue is fixed.

The SCC Support IRC channel irc:// (Open to all) also displays the following topic:

[Site is down atm, will be up asap.]

Note that since they are having database problems, any torrents your are currently seeding/downloading will also be affected (invalid passkey error, etc). Recovering passwords or requesting support on the support channel at this point will be of no use – wait patiently till the site is fully functional again.