Download TV and DVD documentary series torrents from Son of Shun

Out of the several hundred public and private BitTorrent trackers posted here on FILEnetworks Blog, only a handful sites such as MVGroup, Docs4You, OneBigTorrent, Conspiracy Central, etc specialize in documentary series torrents.  Son of Shun is the latest addition to our list of specialized documentary sites-  it’s a private forum which contains several thousand verified documentary torrents, most of which are tracked by public torrent trackers. In short, it’s a great resource for documentary lovers.

son of shun

Son of Shun indexes torrents of documentaries aired on TV, cable, satellite and other networks. DVD documentaries too are sometimes indexed. Son of Shun however does not allow any documentaries aired on subscription networks such as HBO, Showtime, etc (with several exceptions, though). if you are too lazy to navigate forum threads - a full list of torrents can be found through this direct link.

son of shun list 

Note that every single torrent found on this site are tracked by public torrent trackers. There is a specific uploader rule set against the uploading of private torrents:

Torrents must be listed on 100% public trackers; No trackers that require you to sign up, and no trackers with wait times or requiring DHT or other extended features.

As of 13/3/2009, Son of Shun indexes more than 4000 public documentary torrents and has a user base of over 11500 members. Apart from public torrents, the site has a section for user requests. This is pretty active and if you are looking for a rare torrent and cant find it anywhere, try requesting for it on Son of Shun forums.

Registrations for this site are currently open.

Site Name: Son of Shun (

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Notes: None of the torrents available at Son of Shun will be shown to the unregistered user. Create an account, log in and browse the site to see it in full glory.