FunFile back online – with open signups

About three days ago we reported how the General/0Day private torrent tracker FunFile went offline without notice. Initially it was speculated that the tracker had run out of donations and but we were later informed that it was a RAID failure which brought the site down (as with any thread about FunFile, there was a quite a lot of drama involved - read the comments). We promised in our previous article to update on any new developments with this tracker – good news is that the site is back online.

funfile logo

There is a long notice about the downtime posted on the FunFile homepage – first part of it is quoted below:

As you are no doubt aware we are now back online, It was about 12AM and I got a notice that FunFile had suffered an unknown failure. Long story short we called SoftLayer and determined that the RAID controller for the box had 'broken' and couldn't see half the devices on the array. After spending half the day trying to recover the data from the array, we wrote it off as a lost cause since repairing the inodes one at a time would have taken literally days of mind numbing work.

Attemping to find the Silver Lining we decided to use this as a chance to rework FunFiles hardware and streamline it as much as possible, as well as trying to get as much speed as possible to reduce load times ect...
2x Intel Quad Core @ 2.66GHz
4x Intel 64G SSD in RAID

The full post can be found on FF homepage and there is also a discussion thread about the downtime on FF forums.

If you want to know more information about FunFile including what sort of content is tracked there, screenshots, etc, we suggest you read our recent article on the site located here. Anyways signups for FunFile are currently open. If you want to check this tracker out, you can now register an account for free.

Site Name: FunFile (

Signup URL: