Blackcats-Games Tracker – Referrals added again

Blackcats-Games or BCG, is a private BitTorrent site that is considered by many as the king of all games trackers. Although the site has been open for signup several months ago, public registrations have been disabled throughout 2009. As we reported earlier, BCG uses the referrals feature in place of the usual private tracker invite system. If you are an existing BCG member, here is some good news – all current members of the tracker have been given 1 referral.

blackcats games

A PM sent by BCG owner stoi explains the terms and conditions associated with newly issued referral in detail:

Yes I know I am very impatient, I have just give everyone on the site 1 referral.
Unless anything drastic happens with them, you have till the 31st March to use it, if you have not used it by then, you will loose it.
Remember though, if you invite a bad member, cheat etc then you will get 100gig on your download, if you sell, trade, or do a giveaway on a public forum, and we catch you, then you will loose your account, and your details will be passed onto other sites as well.
So just be sensible, all we ask is that you bring a good member in, how hard can that really be.

This should be welcome news to existing members as BCG had frozen all member referrals about two months ago. Anyway note the text in bold in stoi’s PM - use your referrals wisely. For a detailed tutorial on the BCG referrals system, see this forum thread (requires BCG login).

Note that this post is targeted at existing members of BCG who don’t login to the tracker that often (apparently there are lots of em). Since we had updated the blog several times on BCG open signups, there should be a good number of FILEnetworks Blog readers who are also BCG members

Note: Do NOT request/trade BCG invites here.