Miro – BitTorrent RSS downloader and internet video player

Miro is a product that’s created quite a buzz in the past few months. It’s basically a HD video player with tight internet integration. You get access to more than 6000 free internet TV shows and podcasts and these can all be played right from Miro itself  – no need for additional codecs or software. Apart from video playback, Miro is capable of downloading shows to hard disk as well. A number of video sites such as YouTube, Blip and Google video are supported. Another great feature of this software is the support for RSS based BitTorrent downloads (powered by libtorrent).

miro logo

If your favorite public BitTorrent site or private torrent tracker supports RSS, you can use Miro to automatically download the latest TV/movie releases. Just make sure that libtorrent is an allowed client on whatever site you use – Libtorrent engine is used by Miro for actual torrent download from the tracker.

There are tons of other features of this application which cannot be summarized in a small blog post such as this. For a full list of Miro features, please refer to this this article.

[Click Here] to download the latest version of Miro (direct download link automatically updated with latest available build – newest version at time of post - v2.0.2)

[Click Here] to download Miro for Mac OS X, Ubuntu & Linux variants

[Click Here] to view How-To guide on homepage – detailed instructions on how to install and configure Miro

[Click Here] to visit Miro Guide – Lets you add thousands of free TV show and channel feeds to Miro application